Monday, September 30, 2019
Operation Management †Honda Atlas Motors Essay
COMPANY Profile Atlas Honda Limited (AHL) is a joint venture of two companies the Atlas Group and Honda Motor Co. Ltd., Japan. This company was created in 1988. The company is currently manufacturing motorcycles and auto parts. Honda motorcycles are the largest selling motorcycles in the country with matchless reputation for impressive quality, reliability and its customer service. Atlas has the country’s largest in-house manufacturing capability at its Karachi and Sheikhupura plants. AHL management is striving to modernize company operations by adapting applicable aspects of research and theory and more specifically, Honda’s unique philosophy of hard/soft technologies to the realities of Pakistani conditions. Company management structure, systems and processes are changed according to the demands of the customer, growth and new technology. Efforts are being made to develop participation at all levels of personnel in decision-making and a substantial and effective delegation has been established at levels where applicable. Various participation programs such as ‘Ala Mayar’ Quality Circles movement, launched in 1985, are strongly encouraged to allow constructive self-expression and teamwork. Atlas Honda is playing a pioneering role in creating conditions for easy and confident use of motorcycles all over the country. A vast and growing network of over 1600 motorcycles sales service and spare parts dealers has been established. In order to back up this system, Atlas has set up Technical Training Centers in Karachi and Lahore, which provide several courses of varying duration and complexity for motorcycle mechanics and users each year. Mobile training facilities take the latest know-how, technology and maintenance of motorcycles to major rural and urban centers around the country. STRATEGIC GOALS Customers * Our customers are the reason and the source of our business. It is our joint aim with our dealers to ensure that our customers enjoy the highest level of satisfaction from use of Honda Motorcycles . Quality * To ensure that our products and services meet the set standards of excellence. Local Manufacturing * To be the industry leader in indigenization of motorcycles parts. Technology * To develop and maintain distinct business advantages through continuous induction of improved hard and soft technologies. Shareholders * To ensure health and viability of business and thus safeguarding shareholders interest by maximizing profit. Payments of regular satisfactory dividends and adding value to the shares. Employees * To enhance and continuously up-date each member’s capabilities and education and to provide an environment which encourages practical expression of the individuals potential in goal directed team efforts and compensate them attractively according to their abilities and performance. Corporate Citizens * To comply with all government laws and regulation, to maintain high standard of ethics in all operations and to act as a responsible members of the community. BUSINESS ISSUES IMPACT High Price of Products Difficult to maintain high quality production at high market demand Complexity in coordination and communication among facilities, vendors and two geographical locations i.e. Karachi and Sheikhupura plants Slow response or long lead-time from the vendors
Sunday, September 29, 2019
School bullying among the students in schools
School intimidation is an act that holding physically, verbally, emotionally or electronically connexions to the victim which connected to instruction. It takes topographic point either interior or outside of the schools. School intimidation can be categorized in types and the common Acts of the Apostless that used to aim on the victims. Strong-arming can ever go on through physically, emotionally, verbally and electronically. This ever repeated in a period of clip. Finally, school intimidation happens in every individual corner in the school. The most happening countries are lavatories, hallways, corridors, canteen, abandoned schoolrooms, school coachs or coach Michigans. Besides, during PE category and deferral clip is the all clip favorites for school toughs to take action on their mark. School toughs ever comes with a group of pupils who are under controlled by a so called leader in the group. Their motivation is to suppress and govern the school among the pupils. They will seek for their mark and finally get down their mission on those weak victims. The group of pupils takes advantage or isolates peculiar pupil and derive the trueness from the bystanders who wants to avoid being the following victim. These school toughs will first annoyer and tease their mark before physically attack the mark. The marks of toughs in school are pupils who are weak and low-self regard, or treated as a monster by their equals. Students who are extraordinary if compared to their equals will handle otherwise by their equals either in the positive ways or frailty versa. In Malaysia, KUALA LUMPUR, 3 July 2007 – â€Å" Recent instances of school intimidation have become a cause for concern in Malaysia. One of the more dismaying incidents of strong-arming that stunned the state was the barbarous assault of a 16-year-old pupil by his school seniors in 2005 which led to his decease. This instance and others like it have raised public concern about force in Malayan schools. â€Å" – ( sumber: unicef Malaysia communications,2007 ) . This incident has rises concerns among the society. This is important and non acceptable which declared by the curate of instruction. The curate of instruction in Malaysia has made a public statement to the toughs that strong-arming instance is non acceptable and unforgiveable. The most of import thing to cognize about intimidation is non merely the signifier of physical force, but the most common destructive signifier in Malaysia schools is psychologically devastations. Peoples tend to concern on physical intimidation but ignored the psychological intimidation. This is a immense error that overlook on one side but non the other side of intimidation, and this is really unsafe that might take to important agony on those victims. Not merely the normal pupils face school intimidation, had princess Aiko from Japan faced the job as well.This incident causes the child absent from school and holding phobia towards school. Her jobs, said the Imperial Household Agency, arose from her â€Å" unsmooth behavior †at the custodies of male childs in her age group at the ultra-exclusive Gakushuin school she attends in cardinal Tokyo. ( The times, 6 March 2010 ) Concept of school intimidation Definition School intimidation is a systematic maltreatment of power ( Rigby, 2002 ) in school which now can specify as aggressiveness violent behaviour on victims who failed to support for themselves. ( Child and Adolescent Mental Health Volume 9, No. 3, 2004, pp. 98-103 ) .In Malaysia, based on a survey, 74.9 % of pupils are psychological-physically victims and followed by 53.2 % pupils involved in both types of intimidation, 14.5 % of non-bullies and eventually 8.6 % of non-victims. Recently, bully has going a major job and it needs to be overcome through step ining plan ( Greenbaum, Turner, Stephens, 1989 ; Wilson, 1992 ) . The whole state were concern and aware of this affair. Study on how common of pupils were bullied in schools reveals that about 80 % of primary school pupils have been bullied, and the bulk happen in the schoolroom. ( sumber: unicef Malaysia communications, 2007 ) Types of school intimidation There several types of intimidation in schools. Strong-arming can take many signifiers as in direct intimidation, indirect intimidation and cyber intimidation. Direct intimidation can be physically assault on the victims or verbally attack. School toughs frequently badgering and twits their victims, verbal onslaughts, jostling and etc. While indirect intimidation is more to verbal and societal behaviour. Bullies will verbal and emotionally assail their victims. Such as, distributing inaccurate rumours about a individual spoilt their repute, practical gags, eschewing and etc. At last, cyber intimidation is the usage of advanced cyberspace engineering, including societal web sites, text messaging and electronic mails to destruct their victims. Verbal intimidation is the most common type of strong-arming experienced by both male childs and misss. Male childs are more likely to be physically bullied by their equals ( Olweus, 1993 ; Nansel et al. , 2001 ) ; misss are more likely to describe being marks of rumorspreading and sexual remarks ( Nansel et al. , 2001 ) . Girls are besides more likely than male childs to bully each other utilizing societal exclusion ( Olweus, 2002 ) . ( beginning: unicef Malaysia communications, 2007 ) The toughs and the victims Besides the traditional functions of bully, victim, and not involved, a figure of surveies have examined the state of affairs of bully-victims or provocative or aggressive victims. Children demoing features of both bully and victim. Not surprisingly, a figure of surveies suggest that these kids are more at hazard than either pure toughs or pure victims ( Duncan, 1999 ; Wolkeet al. , 2000 ) . The toughs usually tend to hold norm or high ego esteem. They possessed with unprompted and hot treated features. They lack of empathy and they do hold troubles in obeying the regulations, the most of import things is they have this positive attitudes towards force ( Olweus, 1993 ) . Who are the marks for the toughs? Bullies will ever cognize who their marks are. They will choose their quarry by judging their marks. Normally victims are in little sizes, nerdy book worm looks, weak and low ego regard. The consequence of strong-arming on the victims is traumatising. It will do the pupil holding phobia towards school. They dare non and afraid of traveling to school. School is a incubus for them and this resulted negative impact on their emotional. They ab initio lost their involvement in school ‘s activities and plants, hapless public presentations in surveies, hapless attendings, and temper swing such as depression, isolated from the others, and limited contact with other people. Effectss of strong-arming â€Å" Emotionally, victims of strong-arming frequently suffer feelings of great hurt and fright whenever they are in school. †( beginning: unicef Malaysia communications, 2007 ) Most of the victim will set the incrimination on themselves for the intimidation actions, and they believing that it is their failing or incompetency that contributes to them being picked on by the toughs. â€Å" Some victims of strong-arming seaport intense choler and resentment towards toughs and the societal coteries that condone and support strong-arming behaviour. †( beginning: unicef Malaysia communications,2007 ) If this choler unable to resolutenesss, the victims will stop up strong-arming others to avenge and show their choler, and these are classified as bully-victims. Others might show their cholers such as anti-social behaviour. They may turn up to be hooliganism and larceny. Besides, it might take to suicidal effort. Bullying can take to suicidal effort as important strong-arming behaviour can do a victim to take the self-destructive way to stop the agony. Bullying can impact a kid ‘s learning procedure. In order to hold a quality instruction, a kid should hold explore in a safe, secure and high quality environment for them. These can assist them accommodate into a better acquisition environment and physically, emotionally and intellectually healthy. On the other manus, while under the menace of being injury and humiliation, a kid can ne'er able to carry through their academic potency. While in societal accomplishments, they are tend to be isolated from the others, n left to be low ego regard. Lack of communications and interactions with their equals will do the conditions even worst for them. This may consequences that instance strong-arming grow quickly among the pupils. Factors of act uponing intimidation behaviors Attitude Guerra and Nucci ( 1992 ) found out that delinquent pupils showed a lower inclination to see moral issues as incorrect and harmful than their non delinquent equals, and they considered moral issue as a affair of personal pick. ( Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) . This has shows that the fundamental of the individual ‘s personality and attitude influence their behavior. A kid who are holding aggressiveness in attitude will move headlong and foolhardy. This shows that they unable to command their behaviors due to their attitude that has rooted deep in them. â€Å" Therefore, it is expected that higher positive attitude toward aggression predicts higher bully inclination †( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Education al Sciences ) civilizations and environment The civilizations and the school environment plays an of import function in act uponing intimidation in schools. The schools environment and the civilizations in the school conveying a immense impact on act uponing pupils involve in school intimidation. If the school ‘s civilizations in school intimidation has been brought from coevals to coevals, school intimidation in this school instead important and this is the chief concern that school intimidation occurs and unresolved yet. Students easy influenced by a group of people particularly their seniors from higher signifier. Peoples, who have individualist beliefs, are inclined to be personal oriented. ( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) . The environment around the school is of import. If the environment in the school is tensed and edgy which full of toughs, pupils tend to be losing their intelligence and failed to believe rasionally. Students tend to be either predating the intimidation behavior or go on enduring under this bad circumstance. Family Family members seem to be the most influential party. The relationship between parents and their childs and the manner they parenting will act upon kids ‘s societal behaviour. â€Å" A conflictive, cold and rejecting raring manner leads to a deficiency of consideration for others â€Å" ( Shaffer, 1994 ) . The attitude of the parents rooted in the kid ‘s head and this may consequences how the kid will move in the hereafter. Fraczek and Kirwil ( 1992 ) found out the kids holding the parents, who stress on the accomplishment and competition, tended to be more aggressive than the other kids. ( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) In a household, parents are the most of import function in educate their kid in a proper manners. Parent ‘s values and beliefs are of import factors to represent the kid ‘s values and beliefs. Parents transfer societal norms and values to the following coevals through direct direction and in vicarious manner. ( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) ego positions Self perceptual experiences linked to different perceptual experiences from different angles. There are three chief perceptual experiences involved in school intimidation. The victim ‘s positions, Harmonizing to anterior surveies ( Kim, 1997: Kwag, & A ; Lee, 1999 ) , most of victims did non cognize why they were bullied. They have the thought which they are excessively bashful and does n't hold any close friends. Some of victims regarded their bad school class and toughs ‘ evilness as the ground of intimidation ( Kim, 1997 ; Schaefer, 1998 ) . ( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) While in toughs ‘ positions, they are either manner excessively superior to the others or they are intimidated and feeling insecure. Mostly toughs who are superior ever choose their weak victims as their marks. While those toughs who are insecure ever toughs to acquire attending and needed friends to environ them. Beside of them, parents ‘ house, retaliation and victim ‘s bad school public presentation were selected as the ground of intimidation. ( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) While bystanders are those who either could be a victim or non. They thought that victim ‘s behaviors largely is the ground that being bullied. As for the toughs, they bullied to derive strength and they merely behaves like the others. ( beginning: Kim, Su-Jeong ( 2004 ) : A Survey of Personal and Environmental Factors Influencing Bullying. Dissertation, LMU Munchen: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences ) Wayss to control the job Teachers Teachers play a critical function in supervised the pupils so that they do the right things. Therefore, by utilizing the instruction assignments and undertakings on a hebdomadal or monthly footing, can promote the pupils in making the right things. As a instructor, pupils ‘ safety is the chief concern. School intimidation can be doing problems and jobs for the instructors. Teachers have to do a base that strong-arming is non tolerated and acceptable in schoolroom, schools and everyplace. Teachers have to guarantee that if anyone in the school has a job with intimidation, they must describe or hold personal talk with the instructor. Teachers must allow the pupils know that they can be trusted and guarantee their safety. Teachers should take action instantly one time witnesses instance strong-arming in his or her presence. Besides offering protections and immediate actions, instructors are responsible in educate the pupils about the school intimidation. The importance of anti-bul lying in school and terrible penalties will offer if blustery happen around the school compound. Teachers should put a good illustration and be a function theoretical account among the pupils. Students tend to detect and copy instructors ‘ behaviors. Teachers should ever allow a kid feel loved, appreciated and respected. Besides, instructors should advance a sharing and loving civilization among the pupils. School Schools play a critical function efficaciously to cut down intimidation by developing a safe and supportive school environment ; School should raise the consciousness among the pupils, instructors, parents and the populace every bit good. School ‘s authorization should offer better supervising during deferral and tiffin hr by instructors. Meanwhile, consistent and immediate effects for aggressive behaviour must take topographic point. School should promote the populace and offer generous congratulations for pro-social and helpful behaviour by pupils. Besides, school authorization should outline out a specific category regulations which against intimidation. If school detected instance strong-arming around the school country, serious single negotiations with toughs and with victims must take topographic point. Other than that, serious negotiations with parents of toughs and victims are really of import. School should ever update the pupils ‘ intelligence to their parents a nd forestall the jobs together. Last, a meeting of the school with parent-teacher ( place and school ) organisation on the subject of strong-arming should keep one time a piece to understand and happen solutions for bars. Parents Parents play a critical function in prevents and kerb school intimidation. A loving and caring household ever can demo support to the kid. Parents should raise the consciousness among themselves in order to protect their kid from danger. Everyone has the duty in work outing the job. Parents are encouraged to collaborate with the school instantly to do certain their kid is safe. Parents should educate the values and the right things to the kid. Parent ‘s attitude and ways in conveying up the kid determined the kid either to be a utile individual or a bully in the society. Parents should seek to pass on with their kid, understand them, listen to their feelings and happen the major job in their kid. If the kid is timid, deficiency of interactions with equals, parents should set up their kid to take part in positive societal groups which able to run into his or her involvements. In order to develop their kid ‘s particular accomplishments and self assurance in the societal gro up can be really helpful. Parents should work manus in manus with school by proposing that the school to implement an anti-bullying plan. Media How media can play a portion in prevent school intimidation in schools? Media play a critical function in prevents school intimidation. Ads should able to raise the consciousness among the populace. After all, media is the best manner to convey the messages and consciousness towards the populace. Besides, Television, films and videogames are the chief beginnings in influences the childs and carry more verbal and physical force. In order to keep the duty among the populace, media literacy seems to be a good manner to forestall force among the kid. Media should hold censoring on force issues on the television, films and picture games. Besides, by raising the consciousness among the populace through the wireless Stationss, newspapers articles and streamers. Besides, cyberspace is one of the engineering media that can distribute a word through the web to the whole universe broad. In United States, they set up an anti-bullying web site which included information on instructors ‘ fun ction, schools ‘ function, victims and bystanders ‘ function. It included ways to forestall and how to halt the strong-arming spread in schools or around them. Theory in sociology of instruction that connected in this issue. The sociology of instruction is a survey on the function and the relationship between the society and instruction, and the relationship between the chief aims and procedure Research and development in instruction. Besides, it included the relationship between the public establishments, spiritual and political facets in instruction field. There are three chief theories were introduced in this survey, the functionalism, struggle and symbolic interactionism. In this subject, the instance of school intimidation is a societal issue that associated with physical force behaviour which is consider easy under certain conditions, such as poorness, racial or aggressive cholers or household influences. Under Conflicts theory, the chief laminitis is Karl Marx â€Å" the Communist pronunciamento †emphasizes on the societal position or societal life in the society, the materialist of history and the subjugation of economic from revolution or, at least, reform. In this theory there is something similar that related to strong-arming. The instability of the societal position that raises struggles in the society. So as in school, the pupils form themselves a hierarchy system harmonizing to their academic potency. This shows that â€Å" societal position †among the school childs. The higher position or so called the high intelligent childs will command the lower position citizens. They will ache the childs through verbally, physically and emotionally to derive their position and strength or protagonists. In Karl Marx ‘s theory is that the economic construction in society leads to political subjugation. As in history, people make usage of their economic position to derive the control among the people in the hierarchy. The economic construction of society includes the thoughts of political orientations, morality, literature and humanistic disciplines. From the history, reflects on what is go oning in the school now. School strong-arming someway derives from the history. How the toughs uses their strength or position power to derive attractive force and power in suppressing the weakest links. While in the educational angle to see this theory, the function of the school seems like is the topographic point to make the societal position hierarchy among the society. Schools which adapted this attack usually is a school of elites. They emphasizes on the importance of societal position and positives competitions among the pupils. The school is dominated by the elect group, as for the incompetency pupils or comes from the lower category in the hierarchy will stay as the low category citizens. The school will ever prioritise the elect groups. The school intimidation starts and will stay as a civilization here, as the school precedence is the elect groups and they emphasizes on societal position. The instructors are playing a critical function here. Although the civilization and environment in the school encourages strong-arming indirectly, instructors should put a function theoretical account to avoid negatives competitions and malicious, practical mean behavior among the pupils. The theory that applies in some certain school shows that this attack encourages competitions between one and another. In order to take down one and another, to turn out that the winning, position and strength. There are critics on this attack shows that it does non keep the stableness among the society. In instruction field, no affair which approach the school adapts ; the function of the school should ever supply the quality instructions and academic intents to a kid.DrumheadSchool intimidation occurs everyplace in this universe. In United States, pupils who are under depression resulted of intimidation were choosing for self-destructive effort to stop these average behavior. The intent for pupils to travel to school is to obtain know shelfs, acquisition and be a better individual who can lend to the society.The factors that lead to school strong-arming occur in school chiefly because of influences. Influences from the equals force per unit area, influences from the society, and in fluences from the household, influences from the school and environment, and the civilizations are directed to the incidents and effects of instance intimidation.The chief functions in kerb the jobs ever arouse with the instructors, the schools, the parents, the media, and the society. Everyone has the duties to get the better of this job. Everyone has the duty to control this job and to cut down the hazard in aching the kid.Research on the statistics of school intimidation in Malaysia harmonizing to a statistics gathered by the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, approximately one in three pupils in signifier 1-5 reported been bullied at school, non merely merely at the resort area, but the hallways, corridors, lavatories and every corner in the school. Now, the latest toughs ‘ technique is by utilizing the latest engineering. They use internet, trial messages, electronic mails and cyberspace poster to societal webs ; to intimidate their marks.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift Essay Satire, Jonathan Swift, A M
Throughout the essay the narrator ironically focuses on the deep rooted political, moral and social problems of the society. The writer at one instance does not even feels pity on the poor and malnourished infants and points out ironically that these infants are no only way to get rid of the problems. His proposal that carries some of the most inappropriate and horrible social implication is vehemently defended by his arguments. Though he is presenting a proposal to end the woes and problems of the country but the manner and the condition that he has been mentioning throughout the essay seems to be very cruel and inhuman. He is very effectively defending the idea of his proposal and also asks the audience through his essay for a better and more effective idea. It simply states the narrators ironic character, who wants to change the situation and problems present in the country but his approach or the proposal that he has presented are not in any ways seems to be appropriate in a so ciety. At the end I would like to conclude mentioning that Swift’s approach to solve the miserable situation of Ireland was very cruel and inhuman
Friday, September 27, 2019
Overpopulation affects the environment Research Paper - 1
Overpopulation affects the environment - Research Paper Example he population has effected the environment through two agents: the increasing population itself, and the advances in technology that this population has brought with itself (Stancheva). However, currently both the problems have little hope of being tackled, so that the environment continues to be adversely effected. For this purpose, and in this paper, it is assumed that the problem of overpopulation is a fixed entity, and the only variable that can be modified is the way the environment is handled through lifestyle and habits of the general population. This paper, therefore, purports to present some of the problems that are inflicted on the environment, and the way they can be properly handled by appropriate changes in the lifestyle. The most dire issue related to overpopulation is that of fresh water supply (Stancheva). According to the United Nations, the supply per capita has decreased by one third in the past year (Stancheva). It is the worst in the developing and the underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa, and South America, coinciding with the increase in the population in these areas (Stancheva). Nevertheless, the developed countries and the urban areas are also not prevented from this crisis (Stancheva); with the increase in population in the urban areas due to migration, the demand for fresh water has increased while the supplies either remain constant or have decreased. A case in point is Beijing (Stancheva). Another problem related to water is its pollution. Again, it is worst in the underdeveloped countries, where 95% of the sewage, especially from factories, is dumped into the water system untreated, which ultimately makes its way into the ocean (Stancheva). Combined with over-fishing, which results in the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Raise interactive scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Raise interactive scenario - Essay Example In Tanzania in the areas of Mererani, children are subjected to deplorable conditions of mining, while they ought to be in schools or other places. A child is supposed to go through childhood and enjoy the happenings that happen in that stage. It does not help matters that poverty and the rare of occurrence of gem could be coincidental in Mererani (Sanga, 2007). Thus, the children in this place are subjected to work at that early stage and point in their life. It beats logic to note that as much as this place and area is a lucrative zone of close to thirty million dollars, a sizeable proportion of the population still live under poverty. It is needless to stress that the children who work in this sites also constitute part of the poor population (Goodman & Barnes, 2011). Thus, it would be more beneficial to them and the future of the society if they were involved in other alternative activities such as pursuing education. Subsequently, the risk and the deplorable work conditions in the mines do not make matters any easy for the children. Firstly, the children do not have any skill or expertise on how to act or behave when they are down deep in the mines (Schroeder, 2010). Thus, they are exposed to dangers of losing the prospects of a better life ahead of them, if they do not succumb to the dangers of the mines. Conclusively, there are other options that could be pursued to relieve these children off their predicament as articulated above. Sanga, S. P. (2007). The Role of Poor Governance in the Tanzanite-Al Qaeda Link Controversy, and Policy Options for Tanzania Enabling it to Escape from ‘Curses’ in the Mining Industry. One Society Institute.[Online] Available at: www. policy. hu/document/200808/sebastian. sanga. pdf&letoltes,
Personal reading journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal reading journal - Essay Example The plot would not be comprehensible if we would not have been shown the distinct features of the characters in the story. The writers then proceed to let us know some real but fictional background of these creatures. That is to mean it exist in the history of the world but cannot be proven. Therefore, they play a key part in the relevance of the story. The characters I think must however be complimented by the dialogue for the story to make sense. Without the dialogue, we would not understand the actions of the characters. The actions are very important for they help us in making judgments about the characters. For instance, we would not appreciated the heroic effort of the humankind in fight with the zombie and ensure its continuity without the words (Max and Roberson, 98). In addition, the setting of the whole story is not a trivial matter. Actually, the setting gives the story a meaning and the reader an interest to read. In fact, it is what makes such a horrific book a comic. The relationships amongst these artistic tools are mutual and will always make a book a journal complete. For example, in the ‘Recorded Attack’ it is used to drive point home to the readers’ mind, sometimes without the reader realizing their formal use in fictional stories. In my opinion, this reveals how one can creatively interlink these minute devices to deliver a brilliant story. The movie ‘Night of the Living Dead’ is almost analogous to the story of Recorded Attacks. The characters are also the same but the setting and actions are not equal. Therefore, this makes a big difference in terms of defining the relationship between these artistic works. This is a horror movie by George Romero that, funnily enough, was originally, written as a comic book. The movie is about ‘ghouls’ or zombies that are affected by a certain substance that make them ‘undead’ (Romero, 2002). They equally affect healthy people leading to the wide
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Distributed Computer System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Distributed Computer System - Essay Example The paper tells that the role of computer systems continues to evolve with businesses adopting it to execute various business operations. In business, computer systems have made significant inroad that have allowed business to achieve leverage on the use of data to support businesses transaction, as well as making strategic decisions. In particular, distribute computer systems have found use in business in areas such as business commerce where these systems have enabled business to achieve high levels of business performance. There are varied definitions of distributed systems, but most of them tend to have some commonalities. A distributed system is one that is made up of independent computer systems that work together and appear to those using it as a unified system. The core of a distribute computer systems is the interconnectedness between its components making users think of it as a single system. The development of distributed computer systems coincides with the increasing dema nd for distributed systems in business. For instance, businesses that require e-commerce applications are more likely to achieve greater benefits using a distributed computer system. The merits of deploying distributed computer systems have pushed for increased research that aims at refining how businesses deploy these systems. Research in the development of distributed computer systems reinforces the desire for computer professionals to overcome challenges in this field. Indeed, computer firms have made much progress in rolling out various types of distributed computer systems. ... 1.1 What are distributed computer systems? Distributed compute systems are an example of distributed system, which is a system that links heterogeneous systems through networks to offer users with a single system. Distribute computer systems bring together different components to create a unified system that can provide users with high performance (Mikkilineni, 2011). In a distributed computing environment, workstations connect to each other using networks enabling them to pool system resources. The use of distributed computer systems signals a shift from centralized systems because businesses and organizations are demanding re-centralization of the computing environment. The success of distributed systems rests in the interconnectedness of various components to achieve a unified system. Today, distributed computing environment, has made it possible because of different technologies that computer vendors develop. These technologies work together to create a coherent system that provi des transparency to users, successfully hiding non-critical features from users. Use of distributed computers systems provide users with resources, as well as improved performance. With more improvement on technologies, supporting distributed systems, business and organization continue to adopt distributed computing environment. 1.2 Goals of distributed computer systems There are several incentives for using distributed systems over centralised systems. The merits of using distributed computer systems underscore the push for businesses and other organizations into adopting the distributed environment. These goals are: 1.2.1 Access to resources The first reason for the adopting of distributed systems is the demand for resources accessibility. Despite the ease, of developing centralised
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Discuss the importance to businesses of having a good knowledge of Essay
Discuss the importance to businesses of having a good knowledge of elasticity's for planning and pricing policies, using examples and diagrams as appropriate - Essay Example th a price elasticity of 1.5, a 10 percent increase in the price of a bar of bath soap would cause a 15 per cent drop in the quantity demanded of the product based on the formula E = ÃŽâ€Q / ÃŽâ€P. The demand is relatively elastic (the demand curve is somewhat flat) if it is greater than 1, such as the one shown in the graph below, and relatively inelastic if less than 1, such as 0.9. Cross elasticity of demand is used when one products affects another because they are either complements or substitutes. An example would be coffee and sugar which are complements because an increase in demand in coffee raises the demand for sugar. So instead of the quantity demanded of coffee changing as its own price changes, we measure the quantity demanded of coffee to a change in the price of sugar. If we take another example, such as a cross elasticity of 2.0 for PC in relation to a printer. If the price of computer printers fell 3 per cent, demand for laptop will rise 6 per cent because the cross price elasticity is -2. These products are complements. In case of substitutes, a drop in the price of Japanese cameras will cause the quantity demanded of American cameras to drop. 1.3 Income elasticity of demand. When an individuals income increases, his demand for a computer laptop, for example, increases if the product is a normal good. If it is an inferior good such as canned sardines, an increase in income will reduce the quantity demanded of sardines because the individual might prefer to consume steak or chicken instead. If the demand is very elastic - that is, the elasticity is much higher than 1.0, lets say 3.0 - any increase in the price of a commodity or service would result in a loss of revenues for the marketer. This is because a 10 per cent increase in price would trigger a reduction in quantity demanded of 30 per cent. On the other hand, if the firm reduces his price, this can result in a three-fold increase in the quantity demanded, and therefore he makes more
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Role of Human Capital in the New Global Economy Essay
The Role of Human Capital in the New Global Economy - Essay Example It is seen that with the growth of the population towards their age of retirement, nations tend to face a shortage of labour. The economy faces a labour shortage crisis which fails to meet the desired level of skill requirement of the society and economy on the whole. Thus it is crucial that nations maintain a certain amount of skill within the economy which meets its output and productivity requirement. In other words nations need to maintain a balance in their labour markets (Turner, â€Å"Executive Summary†). Technological advancement has also played a significant role in the increasing competitiveness of nations. Moreover it forms a primary component behind the competitiveness and competitive advantage of nations in the international market. This has called for a labour force which is highly competent in the field of information technology in order to sustain and survive in the global markets. Nations suffering from less advancement in technology and communications has suffered skill shortage and labour efficiency which is the reason why they have lost their competitive position in the market among global competitors (Turner, â€Å"Executive Summary†). With globalization, the prevalence of trade and commerce has also increased substantially. Global economies’ reliance on international trade has increased substantially over the years.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Cold War Essay Example for Free
Cold War Essay The existing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union proceeded to spike between 1945 and 1950. The disputes between these two countries pressured them to start a war. Of the post World War II goals that contributed to the Cold War, there were a prominent few, including the â€Å"Iron Curtain†, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO. During the Cold War, competition for methods of weaponry skyrocketed. Some of said tactics were Satellite nations, the Space Race, and the buildup of arms. Originally, The United States and the Soviet Union formed a bond simply because of their mutual fear that the Nazis would gain control over Europe. After the war was over, restructuring of Europe commenced. When this began to happen, a power struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States developed. The tension continued to rise, but neither wished to go to war because of the whopping number of lives taken from World War II, therefore, the term â€Å"Cold War†makes sense. Winston Churchill gave his famous â€Å"Iron Curtain†speech on March 5th, 1946, which mainly focussed on changing the world’s view of Stalin and his dictatorship. Citizens were blind to Stalin’s cruel dictatorship, simply because they needed some kind of leader. Churchill stated in his speech that, the â€Å"Iron Curtain†separated West and Eastern Europe. The East European government adopted a communist system and fell under the control of the U.S.S.R. (Doc #1). This created tension, induced by ideology differences. President Truman made up a plan, in which he felt that there should be a policy of the United States to provide financial aid to countries who are trying to avoid domination from other countries. Truman gave $400 million in aid to Turkey and Greece (Doc. #2). This heightened pressure between the U.S. And other countries because of how strong the U.S. obviously was, compared to any other country. This was also a threat to other countries. Marshall, secretary of State, stated that the vast amount of political, economical, and social damage Europe were going through would not only effect the continent itself, but the world as a whole. He stated that this was a major concern, and the U.S. should do everything in its power to fix this torn continent. He stated that without the assistance, there would be ongoing hunger and poverty (Doc. #3). Marshall gave $13 billion to Europe to aid the damage. The Truman Doctrine, and the marshall Plan, were both attempts to maintain successful political, economical, and social stability throughout the world to prevent the post war downfall from occurring once again. Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union, captured Berlin. This upset many countries and so, NATO was born. They believed that an attack on one country was an attack on them all. The arms race occurred as a result because the countries stated that armed forces would be used if necessary to protect a country who had to undergo an armed attack.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Financing Shipping companies
Financing Shipping companies There are several advantages for a shipping company to outsource a particular service or department. The main advantages with outsourcing are better cost control, lower risk and the outside suppliers expertise. Better cost control is achieved because outsourcing leads to less fixed costs and more variable costs. This means that the company in the short term is more flexible, and able to adjust costs faster and in some cases with less hassle. Outsourcing a service or department also lowers the need for an initial investment by removing the capital injection necessary for establishing a department/service. Less fixed costs and less long term fixed assets means lower risk for the company. In economical theory there also is an general opinion that outsourcing in many cases leads to cost reductions, due to a small internal department within the company not having the same degree of expertise as a bigger outside supplier and therefore not being able to deliver the services at a competitive cost. This lack of expertise compared to the outside supplier that specialises in the segment might also lead to a lower quality of service if the work is kept in house. With regards to expertise there also is a big advantage in that the company can keep focus on their core business where they have the necessary know-how and stay clear of outside disturbance. There are however also disadvantages with outsourcing. The main problem is loss of control due to the company not having the same supervision over the work being done. Another problem is that the outside supplier might not be able to adjust the service as well as an inside department after the companys needs at any given time. The degree of the advantages/disadvantages with outsourcing varies greatly with the complexity of the work that has to be done, the potential savings and the importance of in-house supervision. A certain degree of outsourcing of services will always exist i.e. transportation for a companys employees, postal services, big IT reforms etc. Solstad has decided to keep outsourcing at a minimum and integrated shipping operations are a part of the companys philosophy[1]. The company manages the total operation of the vessels[2], and have a large onshore support mechanism which includes freight, crewing, accounting, chartering, technical, and other administrative functions. The company is nevertheless open to outsourcing services and will evaluate whether it is possible to achieve more cost effective operations and an optimal return on capital employed in cooperation with new suppliers with a view to long-term strategic co-operations[3]. Such collaboration is also evaluated with regard to risk and capital injection. How has your company financed its vessels? Explain advantages and disadvantages by such financing. It isnt possible to find public information on how most of the specific vessels have been financed. However according to a news article in Skipsrevyen[4] about the acquisition of the M/S Normand Seven, the long term financing for that vessel is provided by Eksportfinans in cooperation with Nordea Bank, Fokus Bank and Danmarks Skibskredit AS. The companys balance sheet doesnt show in detail to whom the long term liabilities is owed, so to answer the question we will have to assume that the financing of the M/S Normand Seven is representative of how Solstad normally finances its fleet. As of the end of 2008 the company have long term fixed assets in vessels and new buildings of 7.289.858.000 NOK[5]. This equals just over 70% of the companys total assets of 10.213.357.000. The assets are financed with a total equity of 3.697.624.000 and total liabilities of 6.515.734.000. Out of the total liabilities long term loans to credit institutions/leasing obligations amounts to 4.831.208.000. In economic theory an equity ratio of 30 % is generally considered healthy, and the company also states in the annual report that the aim is to be financed by the owners (equity) with a ratio higher than 30 %. The total equity in percentage of total assets in 2008 was 36%, well above the companys goal. The companys equities are important when you need to raise capital from outside sources, as it may provide security for the lenders. Assuming that the financing of M/S Normand Seven is representative for the entire fleet the long term liabilities is provided by commercial banks like Nordea bank, Fokus bank, and Danmarks Skibskredit as well as government backed ship credit schemes like Eksportfinans. According to the annual report some of the fleet is also financed by leasing agreements. The advantages in getting mortgage-backed loans from commercial banks are that capital can be raised quickly and flexibly, while the owner is still left with full ownership of the business. The disadvantages by such financing is that commercial banks are uncomfortable with loans that are longer than 5-6 years[6] and often prefers to receive a balloon payment that might be difficult to handle for the shipping company. A leasing company is often more attractive if the borrower want longer finance than a commercial bank is willing or able to take onto their balance sheets. Eksportfinans also offers longer term finance than is usual for commercial banks, and offer repayment periods for up to 20 years[7]. Commercial banks normally take little risk and require a lot of security to protect their investment. According to the annual report[8] some vessels are placed as security for the mortgages. In addition, accounts receivables and bank deposits (2007) are tied. Solstads loan agreements are also subject to the owners working capital being positive at all times and that the market value of the vessels amounts to at least 110-125% of the outstanding loans. The company states that they satisfy all conditions of the loan agreements at 31.12.08[9]. Name three of the most important conventions your company must adhere to. Give reasons why those are among the most important ones. Solstad have ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS), Isle of Man Ship Registry (IOM), and the Norwegian Ship Register (NOR). Some of the criteria for NIS/IOM/NOR registered vessels are that they adhere to international conventions such as Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74), Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW 95) as well as other international regulations ratified by the flag states. Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74) is the most important international treaty protecting the safety of merchant ships in the world. The first version of the treaty was passed as early as 1914 in response to the sinking of the Titanic.[10] It prescribed numbers of lifeboats and other emergency equipment along with safety procedures, including continuous radio watches. The intention had been to keep the convention up to date by periodic amendments, but a completely new convention was adopted in 1974. The convention regulates among other things use of the global maritime distress safety system, set construction criteria (subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations), fire protection/detection/extinction, obligatory life-saving appliances and arrangements, radio communications, safety of navigation etc. and is the centrepiece of maritime safety. Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes[11]. It was designed to minimize pollution of the seas, including dumping, oil and exhaust pollution. Its stated objective is to preserve the marine environment through the complete elimination of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances. MARPOL contains 6 annexes, concerned with preventing different forms of marine pollution and covers pollution by oil, chemicals, harmful substances in packaged form, sewage, garbage and air pollution. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW 95) sets qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on seagoing merchant ships[12]. The aim of the convention was to introduce internationally acceptable minimum standards relating to training, certification and watchkeeping for officers and crew members. Today there are amendments concerning quality standards systems, oversight of training, certification procedures and rest period requirements. The amendments require that seafarers are provided with familiarization training and basic safety training which includes basic fire fighting, elementary first aid, personal survival techniques, and personal safety and social responsibility. This training is very important in ensuring that seafarers are aware of the hazards of working on a vessel and can respond appropriately in an emergency. Literature and references: Annual report (2008). Annual report 2008 Solstad Offshore ASA. Skudeneshavn. * Financial report (2009). 3rd quarter 2009 Solstad Offshore ASA. Skudeneshavn. Â · International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (1973). International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) (1974). International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) (1978). * Misje, M. (1989). Solstad rederi A/S 1964 1989. Skudeneshavn: Solstad Rederi. * Misje, M. (2004). Solstad rederi AS: 40 Ã ¥r 1964 2004. Haugesund: Nils Sund boktrykkeri. Presentation 3rd quarter (2009). Presentation 3rd quarter 2009 Solstad Offshore ASA. Skudeneshavn. Solstad Offshore ASA website. * Stopford, M. (2009). Maritime economics 3rd edition. New York: Routledge. * Zachariassen, J. E. (2008, 21. April). M/S Â «NORMAND SEVENÂ ». Skipsrevyen. Eksportfinans website. [1] Annual report, page 2 [2] Annual report, page 13 [3] Annual report, page 13 [4] Zachariassen, 2008 [5] Annual report, page 26 [6] Stopford, 2009, page 284 [7] Eksportfinans website [8] Annual report, page 49 [9] Annual report, page 49 [10] International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 [11] International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [12] International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Humphead Wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus :: essays research papers
The Humphead Wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus The Humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus, is the largest member of the family Labridae and widely distributed across the reefs of the Indo-Pacific. It is found from the Red Sea and African coast, across the Indian Ocean and much of the Pacific, north to southern Japan and the coast of southern China, and south to New Caledonia. In English it is mostly commonly referred to as the Humphead, Maori or Napoleon wrasse. Fishery management The species has a high economic value and is a special favorite of both the live reef food fish trade and with recreational divers.The Humphead wrasse is vulnerable to fishing due to its long life and late sexual maturation (which occurs at approximately 50 cm total length and 5 years of age). This means that its life history is one that involves slow replacement (and hence slow recovery from fishing) rates. Because of its high value as food, it is heavily sought by fishers and traders. As part of the live food fish market, its value is likely to increase with rarity, so fishers will continue to fish this species even as its numbers decline. Humphead wrasse fisheries are mostly unmanaged and, even if managed 'on paper', there is usually little management or monitoring of Humphead wrasse in local fisheries. Monitoring is needed, both of local capture and of exports. Without proper management and monitoring, it is impossible to know whether current capture rates are sustainable or to e stablish safe quotas capture. On the other hand, its value to diving tourism will remain high if it is protected and remains alive in the wild. Live Reef Food Fish Trade While there is some capture for local use, particularly in the western and central Pacific, the Humphead wrasse is primarily taken for export as part of the valuable live reef food fish trade which is centred in SE Asia. All fish in this trade are wild-caught since commercial level hatchery propagation of this species is not yet possible. The major importing countries are China (especially Hong Kong), Taiwan and Singapore. Fish are exported especially from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and from some western Pacific Islands. Hong Kong is the biggest consumer/transshipment centre for the live seafood market, including for the Humphead wrasse. Hong Kong re-exports significant but undocumented volumes of Humphead wrasse into mainland, particularly southern, China, according to traders and to market surveys.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Message in Spike Lee’s Movie Do the Right Thing Essay -- Movies Fi
The Message in Spike Lee’s Movie Do the Right Thing In an attempt to enlighten audiences with a powerful message about the cancer that hate and violence can bring to a society; writer, director, Spike Lee brings Do the Right Thing to the screen. Fusing a powerful story with creative film making, Lee gives us an insider’s look at life on a blistering summer day in Brooklyn. To create an atmosphere that both looks and almost literally feels like possibly the hottest day of the year, Lee uses orange and yellow filters throughout the film. Objects, as well as people seem to glisten in the light. Even scenes shot indoors have beams of light coming through windows and doors. The use of lighting is only one technique Lee uses to create a realistic feel for this film, which is pertinent w...
Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber :: Biography Biographies Essays
Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber Over the years, there have been many criminals who have eluded the authorities, but very few have been able to avoid them for as long as the infamous Unabomber did. For 17 years the Unabomer was able to reek his havoc without getting caught. In 1978, the Unabomber started sending his bombs. Only after 17 years of searching, was the Unabomber caught and charged for his crimes. Theodore (Ted) Kaczynski was arrested in April of 1996 after the investigators searched his tiny 10x12 foot cabin in the woods of Lincoln, Montana. Ted built the cabin in 1971 and lived there by himself, with his closest neighbor being 1/4 of a mile away. The cabin had no running water, no electricity, and no plumbing. Ted's family knew there was something wrong with him ever since he was a baby. His mother said that he had strange lapses as a child where he would go silent and still. As he got older the "shut-downs" (as they became known as by his family,) started to be accompanied with rage. He never fit in with anybody his own age. For instance, when Ted was 10 years old, his father tried taking him to a boyscout meeting but Ted would not have anything to do with the other children, so his father gave up. The only thing Ted liked doing was reading and playing his trombone. Ted proved to be very smart and at the young age of 15 years, was given a scholarship to study Greek tragedy for the summer at the University of Chicago. Ted went to Harvard and graduated with a degree in Mathematics, when he was 20 years old. Ted was then offered a tenured-track job at the University of California and taught there until his abrupt resignation in 1969. His family knew nothing of his resignation until he showed up at his parents house to move in. Ted stayed with his parents for two years and during that time he had many low paying jobs, the first being a gardener at the local mall. In 1971, Ted's parents woke up to find Ted gone and only a note thanking them for letting him stay with them. The note was so short and to the point that his father thought that it he was going to commit suicide. Ted's life was far from over.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Wild Fowl Trust
Trust stayed around for approximately 2 years, nested and bred in the trust's environment before flying off eventually with their fledged young. Many injured birds are brought to the trust. They have had some successes, working with vets with this particular expertise and with the wild life orphanage and rehabilitation centre. The success stories include a Masked/ Blue Booby, Ospreys, a Brown Pelican, a Gray Hawk, Gallinule, Jacana's, Song Birds, Psittacosis and different Owl species. Fun Facts: Scarlet Ibis birds are born brown in color but get their red color from rotten in crabs.They also eat shrimp and fish. You can tell the difference between a black billed tree duck by color of their beaks. Adults have bright orange beaks. Blue and Gold Macaws have one mate their entire lives and when that mate dies they don't find another. You can't tell the difference between male and female Blue and Gold Macaws unless you take blood samples from them and test it. In situ conservation is on s ite conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plants or animal species, such as forest genetic in natural populations of tree species.It is the process of protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural, either by protecting or cleaning up the habitat itself, or by defending the species from predators. The Wild Fowl Trust is an example of in situ conservation. One benefit of in situ conservation is that it maintains recovering populations in the surrounding where they have developed their distinctive properties. Another is that this strategy helps ensure the on-going processes of evolution and adaptation within their environments. Wetlands play a vital role in the cycling of water on the planet.Water evaporated from the seas or transpired from plants returns as rainfall filling both upland and lowland wetlands. Wetland systems, and their forested counterparts, slowly release their waters either to the atmosphere or to the sea, playing a major role i n governing world climate. With the flow of water arrives a steady input of nutrients from the surrounding land – the organic silts and sediments settle and, warmed by the sun, provide ideal conditions for the growth of microscopic plants and animals – the base of aquatic food chains.Fact: A well established marsh is estimated to be up to 50 times more productive than grassland and about 8 times as productive as cultivated land. The Water Hyacinth (Chorine specious) – Pointed-a-Pierre Wildfowl Trust:This important plant is used as a food source at the Trust. Leaves, insects and crustaceans in the roots are eaten by waterfowl. A water purifier, this plant also absorbs large amounts of dangerous pollutants (including mercury and lead) from the water and helps keep any water area clean. Prolific, 10 plants can reproduce to cover an acre of water in 8 months.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Learning Team Deliverable Essay
The assignment for this week focuses on the team’s understanding of the goals and objectives of training program development and delivery. Team C summarizes the following highlights of this week’s discussions: determining organizational development theories and applications; differentiating between mentoring and executive coaching; identifying the major components of employee training; and comparing career development strategies. Organizational Development Theories and Applications Organizational development (OD) focuses on the research, theory, and practices committed to increasing the knowledge and effectiveness of individuals to achieve positive and successful organizational transformations. OD is the continuous process of planning, implementing, and evaluating the goals of the company by the way of â€Å"transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their capacity for solving problems and managing future change†(Organizational development theory, n.d.). The beginning of OD came from studies from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s where the realization arisen about how the structure of the organization and its processes helped shape an employee’s performance and drive. In recent years, OD is helping companies align with the changes occurring in the new business environment. Key to organizational development theories and applications is the organization’s climate, culture, and strategies. The Difference between Mentoring and Executive Coaching Many companies are now beginning to grasp the significance of mentoring and coaching their employees. Although many entry-level jobs do require a college education and a few years’ experience, it is crucial to provide the necessary tools and training to those employees interested in climbing the corporate ladder into managerial or supervisory positions. Now more than ever, companies are realizing the need to provide leadership advancement opportunities to its employees so as to motivate them, stay competitive and productive, which in turn positively impacts the bottom line of the business. Mentoring and coaching programs are now habitually used in many organizations to improve leadership qualities (Watt, 2004). The Major Components of Employee Training Employee training is essential to the both individual and companywide success. Training improves productivity and profitability, promotes a safe and healthy work environment, ensures compliance with laws and regulations, and creates opportunities for career development. There are several major components that should be included in an effective training program, and those components include performing a job analysis and needs assessment, establishing training objectives, conducting a training program, and evaluating training outcomes. Performing a job analysis involves formatting a detailed study of necessary job requirements including skills needed to complete the job and required employee qualifications. A needs assessment identifies training activities that are required in order to achieve company objectives. Before training, an employer must determine what will be accomplished as a result of the training. Training objectives are terms that describe the intended outcome of a training program. The objectives allow for the measurement of success as there are predetermined skill levels and conditions that should be achieved. In order to meet company objectives, the employer must conduct a training program. Training can be carried out through on-the-job training, job rotation, apprenticeship training, classroom training, and many other methods. Regardless of the method(s) of training implemented meeting training objectives should be the focus. It may be necessary to use more than one method of training or revise training if results are not being achieved. In order to determine the effectiveness, the training outcome must be evaluated. The evaluation of training consists of a reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Results determine how much the trainee liked the program. Learning outlines what facts and concepts were learned. Behavior determines if the program had an effect on the behavior(s) of the trainees. And results highlight what was accomplished as a result of the program, i.e. reduction of turnover or cost. Evaluating a training program allows for an employer to identify and correct areas in which improvement is needed. In order accomplish company goals employees must be trained effectively. Training cannot be an afterthought; it should be planned and implemented correctly. Career Development Strategies Career development is comprised of three main objectives. The first objective is to meet human resource needs in a timely manner throughout the life of the business. The second objective is to provide information about open positions and opportunity for growth to the organization’s employees. The last objective is to use existing programs to develop and manage employee careers to match organizational plans and goals. Three different parties are responsible for professional development within the organization: the employee, the employee’s manager, and the organization itself. Various strategies exist to succeed in the development process. One strategy human resources may use is career pathing. For example, an existing employee would like to apply for a higher position within the company. To acquire the required skills, the employee may work with management and the human resource department to develop a blueprint of the steps required to achieve the necessary skill set or certification. Some organizations offer specialized education or training classes to their employees. Another strategy tool in career development is career counseling. Through career counseling, human resource managers can communication with the employee and the organization’s managers, while â€Å"employees explore career goals and opportunities in the organization†(, 2014). Conclusion Organizational development is an essential component in the success of an organization. As discussed above there are various OD theories and applications that can be utilize to improve the overall effectiveness of company processes and operation. Mentoring and executive coaching are similar methods both used to improve employee performance or correct damaging behaviors. Employee training includes a number of components including, performing a job analysis and needs assessment, establishing training objectives, conducting a training program, and evaluating training outcomes. The primary strategies for career development are meeting human resource needs, providing information about opportunity for growth, and developing and managing employee careers. The above mentioned strategies and methods can be used in conjunction to improve company success. References Elements of Career Planning Programs. (2014). Retrieved on November 30, 2014 from Organizational development theory. Retrieved from Watt, L. (2004). Mentoring and coaching in the workplace: an insight into two leading leadership development programs in organizations. Canadian Manager.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How people survive the work place political jungle Essay
Distinguish between positive and negative corporate politics and explain how these can influence employment engagement. The essay will seek to distinguish between positive and negative corporate politics. The writer will start by defining corporate politics in trying to have an understanding of corporate politics and how it influence employee engagement Kakabadse (1983) cited by Armstrong defines politics as ‘a process, that of influencing individuals and groups of people to your point of view, where you cannot rely on authority’. Organizations consist of individuals who, while they are ostensibly there to achieve a common purpose, are, at the same time, driven by their own needs to achieve their own goals (Armstrong, 2009). There is significant difference between corporate politics and negative corporate politics. This can seen from the effect the two have on employee engagement and the purpose of the individual that is to say positive corporate politics is done as tool mainly by management and supervisors to try and influence other staff so as to meet organisational goals. Positive corporate politics is normal done to the benefit of the organisation as a whole. On the other hand negative corporate politics is self fulfilling – it is aimed achieving self interests and in most cases it is against organisational goals Positive corporate politics include the process of influencing individual endeavour and ambition to the common good. Some individuals genuinely believe that using political means to achieve their goals will benefit the organization as well as themselves. Positive corporate politics can thus illustrated in the following case; Mrs Takuta is the Personnel at ZTRD Development Bank and is deputised by Taurai who she went to the same University and the two were in the same class. Taurai was more intelligent than his supervisor and because of the relation between the two, Mrs Takuta always find it difficult to give Taurai orders and in extreme situations taurai will challenge his boss. In the quest to have work done through her junior, Mrs T akuta will use the following statement â€Å"the HR Manager wants the report done by the end of the day†. Mrs Takuta would use the HR Manager’s authority to influence Taurai to perform his duties. To the same effect, Positive corporate politics can increase efficiency, form interpersonal relationships, expedite change, and profit the organization and its members simultaneously. This can be achieved if those in power are able to use their power to influence members of staff to this effect. Thus positive corporate politics would also include the different powers vested in them to influence positive employee engagement and increase in productivity. Management can give their employees the power to make decisions about their jobs – flexible autonomy, reward for good performance among others. Positive corporate politics involves action by individuals or groups to acquire develop and use power and other resources in order to obtain preferred outcomes (Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman, 1995) Armstrong (2009) defines power as the capacity to secure the dominance of one’s goa ls or value over others. Individuals and managers can thus influence directly and indirectly using the various types of powers. French and Raven (1959) cited by Armstrong identified the four different types of powers that can be used to influence other employees and the power are; reward power, coercive power, expert power and legitimate power. Reward power is when individuals and managers use the reward power to influence or obtain compliance from subordinates by promising or granting rewards that includes salary increase, bonuses or even promotions. It is the management who normal use this power positively to achieve company goals. Coercive power is used to obtain compliance through threats of punishment and actual punishment. For example promising to fire an employee if they use company vehicles for personal use. The ability to influence others with the power anchored in one’s formal position of authority thus the legitimate power. Individuals can use their legitimate positions of authority to get things done through others. Legitimate power focuses constructively on job performance. Expert power is when individuals have influence because of the valueable information or knowledge they posses. The supervisor’s power is enhanced because they know about work schedules and assignments before their subordinates. Corporate politics involves struggles between social entities for resources, personal conflict and a variety of influence tactics executed by individuals and groups to obtain benefits and goals in different ways (Molm 1997) cited by Vigoda, (2000). Molm’s view of corporate politics would to a greater extent reflect negative corporate politics. Ferris, Russ, and Fundt, (1989) cited by Vigoda (2000) defines negative corporate politics as behaviour strategically designed to maximise self interests. Corporate politics can contradict the collective organisational goals or the interests of other people. Medison etal 1980) cited by Vigoda, (2000) observed that when individuals were asked to describe work place politics they would list self serving and manipulative activities. It can then be understood that negative corporate benefits individuals at the expense of the entire organisation or a work unit. The behaviour is thus associated with manipulation, defamation, subversiveness and illegitimate use of power to attain one’s objectives. Corporate politics can then lead to job anxiety, decrease job satisfaction, and withdrawal from the organisation. Dorory (1993) cited by Vigoda, (2000) found that corporate politics has a potential demaging effect especially on lower status employees. He speculated that employees who lacked a stable power base and effective means of influencing perceived organisational politics as a source of frastiration and react by showing negative attitude towards the organisation. Employees can feel isolated and unhappy if they are not part of a cohesive team or if they are bedevilled by disruptive power politics. In conclusion, one can therefore generalise that positive corporate politics reinforces employee engagement. Employees tend to put more effort either because they expect a reward or have been promised reward for such performance. That is to say employees can be influenced by the reward power. Employees work hard or do not do unwanted behaviours to avoid punishment. in most cases, employees will also give respect to those in authority thus the legitimate power. However, on the other hand, employee will not perform as expected thats negative engagement which can be caused by negative corporate politics. Using case studies, discuss how people within an organisation can use political tactics to survive the corporate political jungle? Individuals within an organisation which can be likened to a political jungle act out roles in efforts to establish identities they wish to convey, and which can result in personal gain. It should also be noted that people alter the image they choose to present, and the strategy used to present this image, based on the situation they are in and the outcomes they hope to achieve that is how they intend to survive (Chad etal 2003). To this effect, it is important to note that individuals do not necessarily use the same tactic in every situation. Likewise, different individuals may choose different tactics when faced with similar situations. For example, whereas one individual may use self-promotion to obtain a job offer, that same individual may use ingratiation or rationality in an attempt to obtain a promotion or pay raise. On the other hand, another individual, when faced with the same situation, may use ingratiation to obtain a job offer and assertiveness or self-promotion to win a pay raise. Different individuals may use a number of contextual factors which influence tactics an individual chooses to use, under what circumstances he or she chooses to use them, and how effective the tactic of choice will be. Such factors include the relative power of the parties, the direction of the influence attempt, the objective of the influence attempt, and the political skill of the influencer (Falbe & Yukl, 1992; Ferris, Perrewe, Anthony, & Gilmore, 2000) cited by Chad etal (2003). Buelens etal (2011) also subscribe to the same tactics as identified by Appelbaum and Brent (1998). He pointed out that individuals would use different tactics to get influence within an organisation or rather to get favours and promotions from their bosses. It is however believed that political behaviour is far less common and less intense among employees in lower-level positions than among employees in higher-level positions. There are a variety of political tactics used by employees at almost every organizational level that include forming coalitions and networks, impression management, information management, pursue line responsibility , ingratiation , rational persuasion, consultation and exchange Appelbaum and Brent (1998) . Forming coalitions and networks best known as networking, is a political tactic which consists of befriending important people. These people may not be in positions of any obvious political value but their jobs may provide them with information that could be useful to have. Some people ï ¬ nd that forming friendships with people in upper-level management can help them gain access to important information (Appelbaum and Brent (1998). The above can be illustrated in the following case: Zikanda was a messenger a t RIT Energy. Despite the fact that Zikanda was just a messenger, other senior employees would always give him respect and at most times conform to his needs and favours. For many years in the same organisation, I never realised why even middle level managers would actually conform to unreasonable demands of a mere messenger. Zikanda would take the pool car home as and when he feel like and no one would question that and worse of other senior employee would commute or even ask for transport from him. I later realised that his power or influence was because of his relationship with the General Manager. Zikanda was no relative with the boss but has managed to form a network with the General Manager they were friends. Zikanda every lunch time would go to the General Manager’s office ask him what he want for lunch. It was Zikanda’s job to be sent to buy him lunch however it was the way the whole thing was done, he would at times buy him lunch with his own monies. The General Manager and Zikanda were just friends they were just too close. Other employees were not comfortable with this relation there were not sure what information the two buddies share. Zikanda has managed to make a network with the General Manager. Impression management is a simple tactic that most people uses from time to time is the management of their outward appearance and style in the quest of trying to impress those in authority. Generally, most organizations prefer a particular image that consists of being loyal, attentive, honest, neatly groomed and sociable. By deliberately trying to exhibit this preferred image, an individual can make a positive impression on inï ¬â€šuential members of the organization. As illustrated in the case of Transport officer who has turned himself to driver. Nhetuka is a transport officer at ZBM Company. Mr Nhetuka has turned himself into a driver in trying to impress management. Nhetuka is always driving managers when he is supposed to delegate drivers to drive managers around. Not only that he takes the Area Manager’s son to and from school a job which is supposed to be done by company driver. Information management is a tactic consisting of managing the information that is shared with others. The nature, as well as the timing, of information given out can have strong effects on others’ conduct (Appelbaum and Brent (1998). People who play the information management game are not likely to lie or spread misinformation, but they rely on the carefully planned release of valid information to obtain their ends (Vecchio and Appelbaum, 1995, p. 323) cited by Appelbaum and Brent (1998). An example can be given of a personnel Clerk who by virtue of his job has access to very important information to include how people can get access to loans among others. The person having such a position can sort respect and influence to the extent that he is able to make people lower themselves to get that information. In a political jungle despite the fact that this information should be given to all employees, one can choose to with hold the information for his own benefit. Pursuing core business within an organization, some positions are more closely tied to the primary mission of the organization thus the line positions. They are at the very heart of the organization. While staff people may come to wield great power within their own territories, it is the people who do core business who usually â€Å"call the shots†on major issues. Core staff not only makes the more important decisions within the organization, they are also more likely to be promoted to top-level exe cutive positions. In many organizations, there is a preferred department of origin and career path for top- level managers. Therefore, one way to gain inï ¬â€šuence within an organization is to be assigned to a core position. It will often provide more visibility, inï ¬â€šuence, and upward mobility. A case to support the effect of core position for influence in the in an organisation; Takunda was an administration clerk ZETDC an organisation whose core business is to transmit and distribute electricity. He worked very hard for ten years furthering his qualification hoping that one day he will be promoted and be given a higher grade but nothing cane his way. ZETDC would on get people with 5 ‘O’ Level train them as electricians and give them good grades despite that they only posses a Certificate in Electrical power engineering. Takunda then decided to change the career and started a programme at the Polytechnic were he attained a Certificate in Electrical Power Engineering. And it was only then Takunda was recognised and promoted. ‘Ingratiation tactic involves giving compliments or doing favours for superiors or co-workers. Most people have a difficult time rejecting the positive advances of others. Ingratiation usually works as a tactic insofar as the target often feels positive toward the source even if the ingratiation attempt is fairly blatant and transparent. In the behavioural sciences, the notion of â€Å"social reciprocity†has been offered to help explain the process of ingratiation. In social reciprocity, there is a feeling of a social obligation to repay the positive actions of others with similar actions’ Appelbaum and Brent (1998). Appelbaum and Brent, (1998) defines ingratiation as an attempt by individuals to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of others. Ingratiation tends to be used more as an upward inï ¬â€šuence process than as a downward inï ¬â€šuence process. This tactic can best be observed when especial when one has a female boss how often do we pass complements to our female bosses, â€Å"nice hair style†, â€Å"nice dress†even if we don’t mean it. It is a political game most of us play to survive hash judgement from our bosses. In case of a Human resources clerk who was left acting as Human Resources Officer. During the absence of his boss, Sipiwe was supposed to employ a Customer Care Clerk on a contract basis. Sipiwe knew that his boss’s daughter was unemployed and Sipiwe took this opportunity to employee the boss’s daughter without even consulting the boss. It was later discovered that Sipiwe did this because she had a boyfriend who was out of employment. Sipiwe calculated and realised that it would be easy for her to convince the boss to employ her boyfriend since she has employed the boss’s daughter. In a game of politics one has to be clever and calculative and be able to use politic al tactics to your best advantage. The case above illustrates a tactic called exchange. REFERENCE LIST Appelbaum, S..H. and Hughes, B. (1998) Ingratiation as a political tactic: Effects within the organisation; Journal of Management Decision Vol 36/2 Armstrong, M. (2009) Armstrong’s handbook of human resources management Practice; London, Kogan Pages. Buelens, M. etal (2011) Organisational Behaviour; Berkshire,McGrall- Hill Chad, A. etal (2003) Influence tactics and work outcomes; Journal of Organisational Behaviour Vol 24 No 1. Hellriegal, D. , Slocum, W. J. Jr. and Woodman, R. W. (1995), Organisational Behaviour;New York, West Publishing Company. Vigoda, E. (2000), Organisational Politics, Job attitudes and work outcomes: Exploration and implications for the Public Sector, Journal of Vocational Behaviour Vol 57. MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES BSC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT HONOURS DEGRE ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR [HRM 202] Assignment Cover Page Surname : NcubeName: Innocent Taurai Reg. Number: R135973GMode of Entry: VISITING Level 2.1 Lecturer: Mrs. Masitara Topic/Question: Distinguish between positive and negative corporate politics and explain how these can influence employment engagement. Using case studies, discuss how people within an organisation can use political tactics to survive the corporate political jungle?
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Necessity for Nuclear Weapons
The Necessity of Nuclear Power As time goes by and the world becomes more advanced technologically, we develop a greater need for energy sources. Most of the fuels that we use today are non-renewable, such as coal and oil. Nuclear power is a source of power which brings many benefits. It is less expensive because it is based on uranium, which is easily accessible. With very little amounts of uranium, great amounts of energy can be produced. A significant advantage is that by producing energy using nuclear power, the process does not give off Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide which contribute to the rising problem of Global Warming.One of the biggest advantages of nuclear power is the discoveries made in nuclear medicine, such as CAT scan, cancer therapy and MRI machines. Nuclear power has become more useful in the past century with the inventions of nuclear weapons. The invention of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and other weapons of mass destruction has given nations more power and source of safety. A single weapon can be capable of destroying a whole city. Nuclear weapons have only been used twice in history, both during the closing events of the Second World War in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.It is a wise decision to possess nuclear weapons if you are a wealthy nation with power. If a nation feels threatened at any time, it can depend on these weapons to protect themselves from the enemy. Nuclear power has disadvantages as well. If any accidents were to occur, many people can be fatally injured. Nuclear plants are only reliable to a certain extent. In reality, if any accident were to happen, a whole city can be expected to evacuate. One major disadvantage of nuclear power is that is creates significant amounts of radioactive waste.This waste causes problems for the world because of its high radiation. The waste remains for hundreds of years and creates high temperatures. Although nuclear power does have disadvantages, I believe that it necessary as long as it is used in the correct manner. The fossil fuels used for energy today are not an infinite resource. Someday, humans may need to rely on different sources of power and energy for consumption. Without the proper source of energy, our world would stop because people would not know how to react to the shortage of resources.In nuclear power and the production of energy can be handled correctly, a possibility of an accident is relatively rare. Nuclear power can be a good substitute for the burning of fossil fuels for energy. The manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction is also beneficial to the well-being of nations and the people. If any disputes that led to war were to occur, countries have the ability to protect themselves if need be. Knowing the fact that multiple nations may be in possession of such weapons, decreases the likelihood of severe combat.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Racism in Football (soccer) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Racism in Football (soccer) - Essay Example Basically race and football presents itself in several forms. Since the early years of the last century, many fans have used their football matches to express their racial chauvinism though it has been discovered that these were just a minority of the population but causing great trouble. It's very critical how the minority groups could become very dangerous to coaches, players, and fans. Basically the problem could be worse than implied because many respondents perceive not to give bad impressions. This research will study the extent of racial discrimination in football especially at international and professional levels, and the strategies to alleviate this problem. Racism is a big concern in the world of football all over. In essence, racism is not simply aimed at undermining or intimidating football players because of the colour of their skin (Russell 1997). In recent times, coaches, officials and even fans have fallen victims of racial discrimination particularly based on their nationality, ethnic origin and religion. Some people are targeted because they are associated by their opponents rather than the colour of skin and ethnicity (Back & Solomos 1998). There have also been cases where people have been individualized and insulted by their own fans, the most notable incidence was that of John Barnes. Racism is a major problem especially in the European nations and a very critical factor in the cases of hooliganism in football. The real degree to which racism is practiced is virtually difficult to measure since there is no detailed information as evidence or important data and statistical analyses are non existent (Russell 1997). Nonetheless, the activities of disorders in football are particularly on the international level are often referred to as racists or they are perceived to be perpetrated by a groups of racists and currently even some clubs are being considered as being inherently supporters of racism. Types of Racism Racism in football takes a variety of forms and some of them are not clearly seen as discriminatory. However chanting against a team, player, coach, football official or fans has been a common form of racist activity. This was very common especially in the English football in the period around 1970s and 1980s. A crowd of some fans usually made some funny noises at players; in England, fans made monkey noises to intimidate black football players on the field. Some other cases included even more personalized abuse and insults (Back & Solomos 1998). A outstanding case is that of Deptford fire where thirteen black players in their youthful ages were burnt by a mod to death, while chanting insulting songs- ' niggers burning better than petroleum' could be heard even as far as Milwall. There have been anti-Semitic songs targeting for instance the Tottenham Hotspurs fans. Other songs are patriotic and connected to country's national anthems. Due to the increasing number of cases of racist chanting during football matches, a law was enacted in 1991 termed as the football offences act which made these chants during soccer matches an illegal activity but this law is still inadequately effective in its definition of chanting; chanting is defined as 'utterances of any words made repeatedly or making of some sounds in unison with one or a
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Andrews Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Andrews - Research Paper Example It measures a firm's efficiency at generating profits from every dollar of net assets. The RoE of the company is 0.8 and 0.6 for 2006 and 2005 respectively. The numbers shows that the company is not so much good in generation revenues and is not increasing the share holders wealth. High ROE yields no immediate benefit. Since stock prices are most strongly determined by earnings per share (EPS). The benefit comes from the earnings reinvested in the company at a high ROE rate, which in turn gives the company a high growth rate. Inventory turnover ratio shows that how the company is managing its stock the numbers for the company is 31 nad 19 for 2006 and 2005 respectively. By analyzing the company's inv. Turnover ratio we have analyzed that the company is not managing its inventory in 2006 that of 2005.The asset turn over ratio gives an idea about how well the company is using its assets in generating revenues.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
In Search of Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
In Search of Excellence - Essay Example They claimed that excellent organizations had created methods that enabled them to strike a balance between the soft-s and hard-s factors achieved in a business. Maintaining and finding an applicable balance in these business factors was a vital issue in making an organization successful. According to Peters and Waterman (1982), then, the modest slippage of commercial America was to be observed as an imbalanced product in the American approaches to organization. They went on to argue that these imbalanced products had advanced in the organization approaches that had begun in America for the period of 1950s and 1960s. According to Peters and Waterman (1982), in the post second world war period, many managers in America were obsessed upon the hard-s business factors; structure, systems and strategy. In addition, the managers had not realized the significance of skill, style, superordinate goals, and staff which were the soft-s business factors needed in breathing life into systems, str uctures and strategies. Peters and Waterman (1982) recommend a more balanced management approach. The approaches considered balanced to business would hinge upon the energy, skills and imagination of managers. They are, therefore, charged with the duty of safeguarding the productive arrangements of the soft-s and hard-s business factors. ... They also stated that these companies would have a culture showing the eight aspects of excellence as shown in their research (Frost, Moore, Louis, Lundberg & Martin, 1985). Peters and Waterman listed the eight aspects of excellence. The first one was a bias for action. Exceptional companies engaged in planning activities that were traditional. However, the traditional activities did not bind the companies from other vital managerial approaches. They went on to argue that an excessive dependence on planning done traditionally and dependence upon the hard analysis of data, delayed decision making in many companies. It also discouraged risk taking. Exceptional companies avoided paralysis by analysis (Peters and Waterman, 1982). This was by evading using committees and refusing to agree that all decisions made have to be supported by hard analysis of data. Instead of using committees, these exceptional companies preserved a bias for action which explains the willingness in trying out in novative ideas and taking risks (Peters and Waterman, 1982). Peters and Waterman (1982) affirmed that the commitment in action was preserved by exceptional companies. This is because the exceptional companies form groups of people who like to experiment and innovate. This trend to action might be compared with approaches being adapted by other companies. These companies form committees that engage in briefs talks on experimentation (Peters and Waterman, 1982). The second aspect of excellence is a company’s in proximity to the customers. The exceptional companies have to improve their strategies, systems, structures and innovation in meeting and exceeding the customers’ expectation. Incase a product or a system did not satisfy the customer, exceptional
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Learning to critique by critiquing critiques Essay
Learning to critique by critiquing critiques - Essay Example This author brings out her illustrations through a destruction, which took place at the Murrah Federal Building. It is after this devastating event that several developments taka place in the architectural field in the city. Krinke employs significant use of symbols for the purpose of communicating some of her ideas. For instance, she elaborates the elements that are associated with a sacred space. There is a lot of symbolism, which is applied for the purpose of bringing to light what the elements represent. The stone is the first element that is used. The stone elements in the city are tailored to serve as permanent markers for a given phenomenon. This is majorly due to the durability, which is associated with them. For example, on the concrete floor of the Murrah Building there are names of those individuals who survived the ordeal. Near the epicenter of the pool, there has been a development of a reflective pool. The changes that take place in the atmosphere are noted or brought out by the water. This also represents the changes, which took place at the city after the blast. The trees represent the ability of an entity to remain unscathed in the course of its existence. The tree, which stands out in the city, is the Survivor Tree. This tree is a representation of the survival and endurance, which has characterized the city together with its inhabitants through the years since the explosion. Krinkle significantly applies the approach, which entails imagery and symbolism. This elaborates the significant developments, which have been taking place. The imagery and symbols also point out that the explosion seems to have had a significant effect on the residents of the town. The approach, which is taken by Melcher in her article, is one, which is rather critical of the happenings in the city. For example, she points out that the names, which are embossed on the wall, may not be significant to a person
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