Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Information Technology Ethics Essay Example for Free
Information Technology Ethics Essay Definitions -the right to be alone – the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by people. (Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. US, 1928) -the right of individuals to control the collection and use of information about themselves. Legal Aspects Protection from unreasonable intrusion upon one’s isolation. Protection from appropriation of one’s name or likeness. Protection from unreasonable publicity given to one’s private. Protection from publicity that unreasonably places one in a false light before the public. RECENT HISTORY OF PRIVACY PROTECTION Communication Act of 1934 -it restricted the government’s ability to secretly intercept communications. However, under a 1968 federal statute, law enforcement officers can use wiretapping if they first obtain a court order. Wiretapping the interception of telephone or telegraph communications for purpose of espionage or surveillance. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (passed -1966, amended-1974) provides the public with the means to gain access to certain government records such as the spending patterns of an agency, the agency’s policies and the reasoning behind them, and the agency’s mission and goals. Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970) this act regulates the operations of credit-reporting bureaus, including how they collect, store, and use credit information. it is designed to promote accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of credit reporting companies and to check verification systems that gather and sell information about people. Privacy Act (1974) declares that no agency of the U.S. government can conceal the existence of any personal data record-keeping system, and that any agency that maintains such a system, must publicly describe both the kind of information in it and the manner in which the information will be used. the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the law enforcement agencies are excluded from this act. the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) â€Å"Fair Information Practices†are often held up as a model of ethical treatment of consumer data for organization to adopt. Summary of the 1980 OECD privacy guidelines Principle Guideline Collection limitation Limit the collection of personal data. All such data must be obtained lawfully and fairly with the subject’s consent and knowledge. Data Quality Personal data should be accurate, complete, current and relevant to the purpose for which it is used. Purpose Specification The purpose for which personal data is collected should be should be specified and should not be changed. Use Limitation Personal data should not be used beyond the specified purpose without a persons consent or by authority of law. Security Safeguards Personal data should be protected against unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. Openness principle Data policies should exist and a â€Å"data controller†should be identified. Individual participation People should have the right to review their data, to challenge its correctness, and to have incorrect data changed. Accountability A â€Å"data controller†should be responsible for ensuring that the above principles are met. Children’s Online Protect Act (COPA)(1998) The law states that a website that caters to children must offer comprehensive privacy policies, notify their parents or guardians about its data collection practices, and receive parental consent before collecting any personal information from children under 13 years of age. European Company Directives 95/46/EC (1998) requires any company that does business within the borders of 15 Western European nations to implement a set of privacy directives on fair and appropriate use of information. Summary of the European Data Privacy Principle Notice Tell all customer what is done with their information. Choice Give customer a way to opt out of marketing. Onward Transfer Ensure that suppliers comply with the privacy policy. Access Give customer access to their information. Security Protect customer information from unauthorized access. Data Integrity Ensure that information are accurate and relevant. Enforcement Independently enforce the privacy policy. Better Business Bureau Online (BBB Online) and TRUSTe independent, nonprofit initiatives that favor an industry-regulated approach to data privacy which concerned about the government regulation that could have a negative impact on the Internet’s use and growth, and that such regulation would be costly to implement and difficult to change. The BBB Online Seal adheres that the website has a high level of data privacy. The seal program identifies online businesses that honor their own stated privacy policy. The TRUSTe’s main rule is that websites should openly communicate what information it gathers, its use, to whom it will be shared, and does the consumer has a choice of opting out. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1998) -this act required all financial-services institutions to communicate their data privacy policies and honor customer data-gathering preferences by July 1, 2001. This was to make them take actions to protect and secure customers’ nonpublic data from unauthorized access or use. KEY PRIVACY AND ANONYMITY ISSUES GOVERNMENTAL ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE Federal Wiretap Act (U.S. Code Title 18 Part 1, Chapter 119, Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Interception of Oral Communications) it requires processes to obtain court authorization for surveillance of all kinds of electronic communications, including e-mail, fax, internet, and voice, in criminal investigation. A court order must be issued based on probable cause before a wiretap can commence. roving tap government authority to obtain a court order that does not name a specific telephone or e-mail, but allows them to tap any phone lines or internet accounts that the suspect uses. Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA, U.S Code Title 18, part 2, Chapter 206) standards for access to stored e-mail and other electronic communications and records. ECPA amended Title III (Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968) extended the title III’s prohibitions against the unauthorized interception (use of person’s oral or electronic communications). -this act failed to address emerging technologies such as wireless modems, cellular, data networks, etc. thus, this communication can still be legally intercepted. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) allows wiretapping of aliens and citizens in the U.S. based on a finding of probable cause that the target is a member of a foreign terrorist group or an agent of a foreign power. Executive Order 123333 (U.S. Pres. Reagan, 1982) legal authority for electronic surveillance outside the U.S. It permits intelligence agencies to intercept communications outside the U.S. without a court order. Communication Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA, 1994) it covers radio-based data communication. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) required providers of Internet phone and broadband services to ensure that their equipment can allow police wiretaps. USA Patriot Act of 2001 Gives sweeping new powers to Domestic law enforcement and International intelligence agencies. It contains several sunsets that gives the government much more surveillance capability. Sunset provisions – can terminates itself or portions after a specific date unless further actions is taken to extend the law DATA ENCRYPTION Cryptography – the science of encoding messages so that only the sender and the intended receiver can understand them. Encryption – the process of converting an electronic message into a form that can be understood only by the intended recipients. Public key encryption system uses two keys Message receiver’s public key readily available Message receiver’s private key kept secret Private key encryption system Single key to encode and decode messages RSA (named after Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) – is a public key encryption algorithm, the basis for much of the security that protects Web consumers and merchants. PGP ( Pretty Good Privacy) – uses 128 bit encryption that represents a total of 2128 . DES (Digital Encryption Standard) – the standard for encryption, it employs a 56 bit key that represents 7.21016 . (It can now be crack using brute methods) AES (Advanced Encryption Standards) – requires crackers to try as many as 1.11077 combinations. IDENTITY THEFT occurs when someone steals key pieces of personal information to gain access to a person’s financial accounts. fastest growing form of fraud in the United States. Phishing – is an attempt to steal personal identity data by tricking users into entering the information on a counterfeit Website. Spear-phishing – is a variation in which employees are sent phony emails that look like they came from high-level executives within their organization. Spyware – is a term for keystroke-logging software that is downloaded to users computer without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user. It creates a record of keystrokes entered into the computer with or without internet and will send to the email of the spy when internet connections are available. Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 the congress passed this act to fight identity fraud, making it a federal felony punishable by a prison sentence of 3 -25 years. researchers estimated that 1 of 700 identity crimes were led to conviction. CONSUMER PROFILING Companies openly collect personal information about Internet users. They also obtain information without users permission through the use of cookies. marketing firms uses this information in building databases that contains consumer behavioral data. They want to know about who the users are, what they like, how they behave, and what motives them to buy. Cookies a text file that a website puts on your hard drive so that it can remember your information later on. Affiliated Websites – is a group or collection of websites served by a single advertising network. 3 Types of Data Gathered POST – it is entered into a blank fields on an affiliated website when a consumer signs up for a service. GET – it reveals what the consumer requested product in a specific store. Click-Stream Data it is the tracking of the information the user sought and viewed. 4 Ways to Limit/Stop deposit Cookies Set browsers to limit or stop cookies or browse the web using the incognito browsing mode which will remove all marks of your browsing. Manually delete cookies in your hard drives. Download and install cookie management program. Or use anonymous proxy websites to browse websites. However, some websites lock users to browse in their page when cookie is disabled. Personalization software – it is used by marketers to optimize the number, frequency and mixture of their ad placements. It is also used to evaluate how visitors react to new ads. Types of Personalization Software Rule-based – used business rules that are tied to customer provided preferences or online behaviors to determine the most appropriate page views and product information to display. Collaborative Filtering – offers consumer recommendations based on the types of product purchased by other people with similar buying habits. Types of Personalization Software (Continued) Demographic Filtering – it augments click stream data and user supplied data with demographics information associated with user zip codes to make product suggestions. Contextual Commerce – associates product promotions and other e-commerce offerings with specific content a user may receive in a new story online. Platforms for Privacy Preferences (P3P) shields users from site that don’t provide the level of privacy protection they desire. Instead of forcing users to find and read through the privacy policy for each site they visit, P3P software in the computers browser will download the privacy policy for each site, scan it and notify users if the policy does not match their preferences. The World Wide Web Consortium, an international privacy group whose members include Apple, Commerce One, Ericsson, and Microsoft, created P3P and is supporting its development. TREATING CONSUMERS DATA RESPONSIBILITY -Strong measures are required to avoid customer relationship problems. Code of Fair Information Practices – most widely accepted approach to treating consumers data responsibly. Guidelines of Code of Fair Information Practices and the 1980 OECD an organizations collects only personal information that is necessary to deliver its product and services. Company ensures that the information is carefully protected and accessible only by those with a need to know, and that consumers can review their own data and make corrections. Company informs customers if it intends to use it’s information for research or marketing, and it provides a means for them to opt out. Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) executive to oversee data privacy policies and initiatives. Duties of CPO Avoid government regulations and reassure customers that their privacy will be protected. Stop or modify major company marketing initiatives. Training employees about privacy and checking the companies privacy policy for potential risks. Figuring out if gaps exist and how to fill them. Developing and managing a process for customer privacy disputes. WORKPLACE MONITORING Employers monitor workers – Ensures that corporate IT usage policy is followed Fourth Amendment cannot be used to limit how a private employer treats its employees. – Public-sector employees have far greater privacy rights than in the private industry. Privacy advocates want federal legislation – To keeps employers from infringing upon privacy rights of employees. SPAMMING the transmission of the same email message to a large number of people. Spammers target individual users with direct email messages, building their mail list by scanning Usenet postings, buying mail lists or searching the web for addresses. extremely inexpensive method of marketing. used by many legitimate organizations. can contain unwanted and objectionable materials. Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing(CAN-SPAM) the act says it is legal to spam provided that the message meet a few basic requirements: (1) spammers cannot disguise identity, (2) there must be a label in the message specifying that it is an ad or solicitation, and (3) include a way that the recipient can stop the receiving of spam. The act failed to slow the flow of spam but instead, it actually increased the flow of spam by legalizing it. ADVANCED SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY Advanced surveillance technology provide a new data gathering capabilities, however, these advance can also diminish individuals privacy. Advocates of the technology argue that people have no legitimate expectations of privacy in a public place. Camera Surveillance is one of the most common advanced system used in surveillance nowadays. It has the capability to record events, detecting unusual behaviour, automatically capturing important events, and used in monitoring day to day events in different places. Facial Recognition Software There have been numerous experiments with facial recognition software to help identify criminal suspects and other undesirable characters. It has been first tested by the Rampart Division of the Los Angeles Police Department and yielded a result. Global Positioning System (GPS) These are chips placed in different devices to monitor locations of the users. It is useful in locating callers of 911, parents monitoring their children, etc.
Monday, January 20, 2020
What Doth A Leader Make? :: essays research papers
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/vaksam/">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites How come a leader becomes a leader? In this article, we are not interested in the historical process but in the answer to the twin questions: what qualifies one to be a leader and why do people elect someone specific to be a leader. The immediately evident response would be that the leader addresses or is judged by his voters to be capable of addressing their needs. These could be economic needs, psychological needs, or moral needs. In all these cases, the needs are judged to be serious enough as to threaten acceptable existence (emphasis on the word â€Å"acceptable†). Mere survival is rarely at risk (famine, war, plague). On the contrary, people are mostly willing to sacrifice their genetic and biological survival on the altar of acceptable existence. To be acceptable, life must be honourable. To be honourable, certain conditions (commonly known as â€Å"rights†) must be fulfilled and upheld. No life can be honourable without food and shelter (property rights), person al autonomy (as safeguarded by freedoms), security, respect (as expressed through human rights) and influence upon the future (civil rights). In the absence of even one of these elements, people tend to gradually become convinced that their lives are not worth living. They become mutinous and try to restore the â€Å"honourable equilibrium†. They seek food and shelter by inventing new technologies and by implementing them in a bid to control nature and other, human, factors. They rebel against any massive breach of their freedoms : free speech has provoked more bloodshed than it has ever prevented. The seek security : they legislate and create law enforcement agencies and form an army. Above all, people are concerned with being respected and with influencing their terms of existence, present and future. The two may be linked : the more able a person is to influence his environment, to mould it – the more respected he is by others. Leaders are perceived to be possessed of qualities conducive to the success of such battles of restoration. Some signal that the leader emits keeps telling his followers : I can increase your chances to win the war that you are waging in order to find food and shelter / respect / personal autonomy / security / an enhanced ability to influence your future. But WHAT is this signal? What information does it carry with it?
Sunday, January 12, 2020
How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of Love and Marriage?
The influences of nature and nurture are ambiguous (unclear), how far do you agree with this statement as far as childhood is concerned? In this essay I am going to be arguing how far I agree that the influences of nature and nurture are ambiguous. To help develop my argument I am going to use the likes of Heathcliff, Cathy, Isabella and the Linton’s. I agree strongly with the statement that the influences of nature and nurture are ambiguous; my reasoning for this is that the novel is not focusing on this aspect and therefore doesn’t get fully explored. The theme of childhood, voiced by the elder Cathy on her deathbed, is continued in the main action of the second half of the book [.. .] in one way or another childhood is in fact the central theme of Emily Bronte's writing'. ‘ This time in Catherine's life, which is unquestionably associated with Heathcliff's appearance in her house and the strong feelings the boy then arouses in her, is, indeed, described at leng th by the narrator Nelly, as it will determine the following events in the novel.Catherine's dreams of happiness are associated with childhood all through her life, and even on her death-bed she still looks like a child in Nelly's eyes: ‘She drew a sigh, and stretched herself, like a child reviving, and sinking again to sleep and five minutes after I felt one little pulse at her heart, and nothing more! †. Finally it is the ghost of a child that visits Lockwood, the newcomer and second narrator in the novel. Until she dies at the age of nineteen, Catherine clings in a passionate way to her childhood memories.The most revealing passage is the scene which takes place after Heathcliff has returned from a long absence and has just quarrelled with Catherine's husband, Edgar Linton. This scene, in which she raves, is significant as it echoes the childhood scenes in which she suffered from being separated from Heathcliff. Her memories have actually never stopped cropping up in an insistent way and she now cannot help lamenting about ‘what has kept recurring and recurring till I feared for my reason. ^ The past years even end up overlapping the present situation and the adult in Catherine totally identifies with the child. The year she has spent with Edgar then seems to vanish at once. Her physical sensations as she lies in her bed at Thrushcross Grange release images from the past and she sees herself lying in her bed years earlier at Wuthering Heights. She yearned to transcend death and to recover the freedom she used to share with Heathcliff when she was a child: ‘Their mutual destruction by tooth and nail in an effort, through death, to get back to the lost state of gypsy freedom in childhood'.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Examples Of Logos In Julius Caesar - 1259 Words
Rhetoric seems like a big word but the meaning is simple- persuasion. In the book Julius Caesar, Antony and Brutus, two major characters, are fantastic at persuading the Roman citizens. When one is reading the story, they might think that both have equal amounts but when you look closer, Antony has the better rhetoric strategies. In just a few short sentences, Antony convinced the people to believe that Caesar needed revenge even though he never came out and told them that. Just a couple of minutes ago, the citizens were on Brutus’s side and thought that Caesar needed to go. During both Brutus’s and Antony’s speeches, they didn’t use much logos. Despite this, Brutus says: â€Å"The case for his death is on record in the capitol. His†¦show more content†¦I feel as if both of the characters did an okay job of using logos. Neither one really stuck out by saying all these facts and using numbers to prove their point. Antony and Brutus are gr eat at using rhetoric but logos seems to be one that is a bit harder for the two of them. When they were speaking, Brutus used his love for the people to win them over and Antony knew how to get to their emotions. Because of this, I don’t think there was an obvious winner in the logos category. Both Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus are great at using people’s emotions to grab their attention. In Brutus’s speech, he used the feeling of slavery: â€Å"Would you rather have Caesar alive and all die slaves, than Caesar dead to all live free men?†Nobody wants to be a slave and would feel angry if they were. Brutus is using this feeling to make it sound like Caesar would have made them all into slaves but because he is dead, they are all free. If one thinks about it some more, the people were like slaves under Caesar’s power. They weren’t free to do as they liked due to the fact that if it upset Caesar, you’d be executed. After Caesar was dead, the people were free to do as they pleased. Brutus used the emotion of anger to show that he killed Caesar so the people could be free of his controlling power. While Antony was talking, you could tell that he was hurting by the words he chose. The most emotional part of his whole speech was â€Å"Bear with me. MyShow MoreRelatedMark Antony Speech Analysis1109 Words  | 5 PagesLuther King Jr. speaks volumes and its relevance can be traced back to 44 B.C. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare contains one of the most influential speeches known to man, Mark Antony’s funeral speech. Political and historical figure, Mark Antony, speaks at Julius Caesar’s funeral after his dear friend’s assassination. The subject of the speech entails how praiseworthy a leader Caesar was and the level of respect and admiration he had for the plebeians and the patricians of RomeRead MoreRhetoric in Julius Ceaser907 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s tragedy â€Å"Julius Caesar†, specifically in act 1 scene 2 by Cassius. By using his powers of manipulation with argumentation and persuasion, Cassius t hen tries to convince Brutus, a fellow Roman, to join in the conspiracy against Julius Caesar. Doing so, Cassius uses the rhetorical forms of pathos, logos, and the usage of rhetorical questions. One of the techniques used by Cassius is the use of pathos, or emotional appeal. Being that Caesar has grown very popular/powerfulRead MoreJulius Caesar - English Yr 12 - Conflicting Perspectives Essay860 Words  | 4 PagesThis can be seen through the texts Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the article Arguments Against Abortion by Kerby Anderson and the essay ‘Abortion and the Alternatives by Voula Papas. In the text Julius caesar conflicting perspectives can be seen in act 3 scene one where both Brutus and Antony give speeches about caesars death. In Brutus’s speech he uses a number of rhetorical features and logic to convince the Plebeians that the killing of Caesar was carried out for the â€Å"goodness ofRead MoreTragic Hero In Julius Caesar829 Words  | 4 Pagesmistake or even a flaw. In Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, a character may come to mind and fit this definition, Marcus Brutus. In this play, Julius Caesar’s ambition for power drove the honorable Brutus to think negatively about Caesar’s position of being the king of Rome. The honorable Brutus shows his love by committing an act which seems to him to be the best fit for the city, which is to get rid of Julius Caesar. Brutus portrays an excellent leader because he puts himselfRead MoreJulius Caesar Speeches861 Words  | 4 PagesThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a contro versial play written by Shakespeare in 1599 which depicts the conflicts in the time of Caesar. The play is centered on the growing problem of Caesar becoming too powerful for Rome. The young Senator, Brutus, has to make the difficult decision to either oppose Caesar or to trust him and his vision for Rome. Ultimately, Brutus is persuaded by the Senator Cassius and together they gather a group of Senators with the plan to assassinate Caesar. After the murderRead MoreThe Power of Mark Antony’s Speech in Julius Caesar and Winston Churchill’s Speech, Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat782 Words  | 4 Pagesthat the author must decide. In the case of Mark Antony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and Winston Churchill’s speech at the start of World War II, â€Å"Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat†are two speeches dealing with aggression towards a certain matter. Antony’s speech was created to gain the trust of the Plebe ians and take sides with him concerning whether or not Caesar was killed for the good of Rome claimed by Brutus. Churchill’s speech created an attack against Adolf HitlerRead MoreEthos And Its Effect On Society1129 Words  | 5 Pagesthree ingredients of persuasion known as logos, the appeal to logic, pathos, the appeal to emotion, and ethos, arguably the most important and persuasive part of an argument. Ethos is the strongest and most effective method of persuasion that establishes likability and credibility which creates a trustworthy bond and hooks the crowd into listening. It is used constantly in advertisement and everyday life, so much so that people don’t notice it. For example, in an EAS magazine ad for nutrition proteinRead MoreConflicting Perspectives1001 Words  | 5 Pagesperceptions gives rise to â€Å"Conflicting Perspectives,†while reaffirming the individuality of different responders in giving varied responses. Conflicting perspectives are powerfully permeated in William Shakespeare’s classic 1399 dramatic text, Julius Caesar and the world’s view on America’s gun laws. Shakespeare powerfully uses textual form to shape ones understanding of conflicting perspectives surrounding the personality of Marcus Brutus. The dramatic medium is employed to reveal Brutus’ fragmentedRead MoreBrutus And Antony Speech Analysis1101 Words  | 5 PagesIn The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Caesar had just returning to Rome from a great victory against Pompey. As Caesar was traveling down the roads of Rome, other senators were starting to get nervous about his growing power. The jealousy throughout lead up to the death of Caesar. This brought conflict between Brutus and Antony. During the funeral Brutus and Antony gave really convincing speeches. During the speeches the men both used great examples of ethos, logos, and pathos. Brutus speaks to theRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Julius Caesar1507 Words  | 7 Pagessuccessful speech, leaders and lecturers often accommodate to ethos, logos, and pathos and work to have a strong balance of each element. By incorporating these ideas, listeners are more than likely to be conveyed and persuaded into believing or investing in the speaker’s words. As a result, the speaker is then able to incorporate a deeper effect on the listener, and conduct various long lasting outcomes. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Antony is able to create a greater effect and convince the
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