Friday, May 31, 2019
Bicycle Xing :: essays research papers
Bicycle XingThe Lords Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, and there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, tho government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words. This statement made from government annalist Ralph Reed in the summer of 1993, show just how absurd slightly government regulations can be. If something is important, we generally tend to just say it. If something is not entirely needed we just fill it full of jargon and become genuinely longwinded. An example of a frivolous regulation is the one in Missouri that all motorcycles are to be ridden on the street only. The regulation strictly forbids sit on the sidewalks. This asinine regulation violates personal liberties and should be eliminated.This regulation should be done away with for several reasons First, the regulation is ineffective. People summon their bicycles on the sidewalks soon and they are not punished for it. This means that there is undersized to no en forcement for this regulation. So, if the regulation isnt observed or obeyed by the citizens of the state, and it isnt enforced, than it does no tidy to have the regulation in the first place. It is not needed and therefore should be eliminated. Next, the regulation says that bicycles should be rode in the streets, but riding a bicycle in the street can be very dangerous. In todays society automotive drivers are distracted way too more as it is. Accidents happen because drivers are distracted by things such as cell phones, bad weather, darkness and sometimes because they just arent paying watchfulness to the road ahead. Having to worry about a cyclist on the street is just another hassle that drivers should not have to put up with. Finally, little kids learn to ride there bikes between the ages of four and six. It is very dangerous for a little child who is just learning how to handle a bicycle to ride in the street with cars that are much larger and could potentially harm them. Sometimes children swerve on there bikes because they are just acquire used to them, and a child swerving into traffic could be deadly. Then this creates a problem because its too dangerous for a child to ride in the street, and the sidewalk is off limits, so the child has nowhere to pursue the happiness that a bicycle could bring.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Passionate About Teaching Essay example -- Personal Narrative Educatio
Ending Statement Feminist and Critical Pedagogies I came back to graduate civilize last semester at the ripe-old age of 31, unsure of what I wanted to get out of it. I had spent a year in graduate studies in English at the University of Maine about six years earlier, but left because I wasnt ready to commit to an academic life. In the six years since I left Maine, my life had been anything but academic. For the first year or so, I temped at conventions and tradeshows, went on auditions and performed in regional theater. Then a friend of exploit introduced me to her acting teacher, and I got involved in a two-year intensive acting program which forced me to look at myself and my life deeply (and as luck would have it got me into therapy) During that time I began a temp job at a small executive search firm where a few acting friends likewise educateed. The job turned permanent and lasted over three years while I finished my acting program and began auditioning. Looking back now, I adventure the problem was, once I finished class, I wasnt the same person who had originally gone out on auditions. I found myself reading books on writing (never acting) on my lunch breaks from the stifling office secretarial job. But people who asked about my life heard about my auditions and singing classes and wish to be on Broadway. I never looked at the fact that that wish was a very old, childhood wish which had slowly stopped giving me what it had for so considerable something to dream about, aspire to. Something, I now admit, to make me interesting. The decision to leave it behind was painful (no one outside of the business could understand why I would want to leave behind such a glorious, exciting dream. Interestingly, all of my friends who were at various levels of s... at least I now deal that I need to teach--in some format, somewhere, and I need to apply what Ive learned and continue to learn and question my own learning. But I cant decide if going on for a PhD is really what I want anymore. I always thought that was the mark of success. But I wonder if it will really allow me to work with the students I am most interested in helping. I am particularly interested in working with those who didnt get enough out of nurture but who decided to come back and give it another try, to see if theyd find something different this time around. I want to provide something different. I know I want to keep teaching and talking about teaching. I know I want to keep the hope that teaching writing is semiprecious and opens up possibilities for students who maybe thought they had none. Is that too naive? Maybe. But it seems like its worth a try.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The village by the sea :: essays research papers
ESSAY NO.2In Annita Desais novel, the treatments between male person and female characters are totally different. It is described in the novel that the male characters are always lazy, selfish drunkards while the female characters are diligent and always keeping the family together. Annita tried to illustrate the readers how Indian people live in the village of Thul and how urban Indians live in the capital city of India, Bombay. In the creative novel of The Village by the sea, the two characters that play the most distinguished roll in the play are Hari and Lila. Hari is the one who find approximately food and some earnings for the family, and also the one who decides to go to Bombay because he thinks that he certainly cannot get a job in an industry. On the other hand, Lila is the one who takes care of her two sisters, Bela and Kamal, and also her sick mother. In e genuinely morning, she needfully to make tea for her two sisters before they go to school and also her mother who is sick of an unknown disease. Both Hari and Lila cannot go to school because the family does not take a crap enough money to support all the childrens school fee. Despite the facts that Annita Desai describes the village of Thul as a mini paradise which lived there happy people, exactly apart(predicate) from that she tries to focus at Hari and Lilas hut. All the people and houses around their hut seem so colourful and joyful. However, Annita describes Hari and Lilas hut as a small, old patched hut which has a feeling of unhappiness and sickness. The earthen walls are crumbling and the windows gapped without any shutters. She illustrates the readers that this hut is such a colourless hut apart from all the other huts around it.The mother, who is sick, of this family is the one who plays the most important part in keeping the family alive, well and together. Although Annita just writes in the novel that the mother is very sick and cannot move anywhere, but she was the one who keep s this family joined together. Because the father, who is the leader of this family, is a drunkard who is irresponsible about taking care of the family Hari and Lila needs to find some way to survive and to earn some money to take their mother to the hospital.
Brave New World Essay -- Literary Analysis, Aldous Huxley
Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley and xix Eighty- Four written by George Orwell circulate characters of the future world that have lost freedom due to the loss of valued qualities. Bernard Marx, Lenina Crowne, and Helmholtz Watson compare to the characters in xix Eighty- Four who were ruled under Big Brother. Bernard, Lenina, and Helmholtz disclose the loss of valued traits such as, responsibility, respect, individuality, and the capability of true love. In the future society Bernard, Lenina, and Helmholtz live in, they pretermit normal responsibilities. Consequences are unheard of. In Nineteen Eighty- Four Winston and other characters had certain responsibilities. They had to attend work and have children which were their duties but, they did not have to worry most normal responsibilities. They simply had no freedom to do as they please. In Brave New World they used a drug called general anatomy to lose on their holiday. It became a necessity for them. Lenina always sa ng, A gramme is better than a damn (Huxley 78). They did not know how to function without their escape drug. Society was certified on Soma, The holiday it gave was perfect and, if the morning after was disagreeable, it was so, not intrinsically, but only by comparison with the joys of the holiday. The remedy was to make the holiday continuous (103). The characters in Brave New World were responsible for their happiness. They did not ever worry about dealing with any kind of consequences for their actions. They simply did as they pleased and took Soma to fix any type of problem. When John does not follow Lenina back to her room after the day they spent together she begins to tear, Drying her eyes, Lenina walked across the roof to the lift. On her way dow... ...Still wearing her shoes and socks, and her rakishly titled round white cap, she advanced towards him. Darling. Darling If only youd said so before (131). Lenina was anxious(p) to have sex with John. It was the only way she c ould express her feelings. She did not love John the way he loved her. Lenina was convinced it was the same because, she did not guess what true love was. Due to the want of freedom and independence the characters in Brave New World do not have valued qualities. Bernard Marx, Lenina Crowne, and Helmholtz Watson lack many qualities that make one human. In Nineteen Eighty- Four society was ruled under a close watch. They also lacked important valued qualities. Bernard, Lenina, and Helmholtz reveal the loss of valued traits such as, responsibility, respect, individuality, and the capability of true love throughout the novel.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Fall of Rome - the militarys role :: Ancient Rome Roman History
Fall of Rome - the militarys roleThe Militarys Role in the Beginning of the End of RomeThe fall of Rome occurred over more centuries and was caused by several factors including military decay, barbarian invasions, and the failure of the government to respond to these problems. While these problems existed to a greater of less(prenominal)er degree, since the end of the 2nd century, their effects were quicken by the reforms of the emperors Constantine and Dioc allowian. These reforms changed Roman life as well as the face of the Roman regular army, moving it away from its classical infantry-based structure to a more cavalry-based system. The army was reorganized into lightly armed troops called limitanei who defended the border, and large mobile armies composed of troops called comitatenses. The border troops were given land to live on just about forts they protected. This structure led to farming becoming the job of the border troops so that they could feed as well as protect those on the frontier. everywhere time, this in turn led to out of date weaponry and neglect in training. The weakness of these troops meant that more mobile troops were needed to compensate, and an advantageously penetrable border as a result of the weakness led to the need for highly efficient mobile armies. Since the cavalry were the most mobile unit of measurement of the army, they began to be the favored military unit. With forces strung along the border and concentrated large mobile armies, an increased number of recruits were required however, land owners were reluctant to let themselves or their kin be recruited because that left less workers for their farms. At the same time, the division of the empire into outer imperial provinces and inner provinces controlled by the Senate had its own effect. Since the armies for the most part remained in the outer imperial provinces, the people of the inner provinces were out of touch with the army and were no longer attracted to service , again reducing the available pool of recruits. unitary reason that many avoided Army service was because Roman citizenship was now offered freely, where in prior times military service had been a path to citizenship. The result was less manpower available for Rome. The Roman army was left with no choice but to recruit barbarians, who could in this way both find employment where they had no skills, and hope to obtain Roman citizenship.
Fall of Rome - the militarys role :: Ancient Rome Roman History
Fall of capital of Italy - the militarys roleThe Militarys Role in the Beginning of the End of RomeThe fall of Rome occurred over many centuries and was caused by several factors including military decay, barbarian invasions, and the failure of the government to respond to these problems. While these problems existed to a greater of lesser degree, since the end of the second century, their effects were accelerated by the reforms of the emperors Constantine and Diocletian. These reforms changed Roman life as well as the face of the Roman army, moving it away from its classical infantry-based structure to a more cavalry-based system. The army was reorganized into lightly armed parade called limitanei who defended the border, and large mobile armies composed of troops called comitatenses. The border troops were given vote out to lie in on around forts they comforted. This structure led to farming becoming the job of the border troops so that they could feed as well as protect those on the frontier. Over time, this in turn led to out of date weaponry and neglect in training. The weakness of these troops meant that more mobile troops were needed to compensate, and an easily penetrable border as a result of the weakness led to the need for highly efficient mobile armies. Since the cavalry were the nearly mobile unit of the army, they began to be the favored military unit. With forces strung along the border and concentrated large mobile armies, an increased number of recruits were required however, land owners were reluctant to let themselves or their kin be recruited because that left less workers for their farms. At the same time, the division of the empire into outer imperial provinces and inner provinces controlled by the Senate had its own effect. Since the armies largely remained in the outer imperial provinces, the people of the inner provinces were out of touch with the army and were no longer attracted to service, again reducing the gettable pool of re cruits. One reason that many avoided Army service was because Roman citizenship was now offered freely, where in prior times military service had been a lane to citizenship. The result was less manpower available for Rome. The Roman army was left with no choice but to recruit barbarians, who could in this way both determine employment where they had no skills, and hope to obtain Roman citizenship.
Monday, May 27, 2019
HP CEO †Carly Fiorina Essay
When Carly Fiorina joined HP as a CEO in 1998, the company was seen by umteen as a waning dinosaur worth $50 billion because it had disappointed Wall street for almost nine quarters straight and had also omit the internet revolution. But the time when she was fired in 2005, the company was 11th largest company in America and had an annual dollar sales of $80 billion. In 2000, under the leadership of Carly, the biggest merger in the history of computer industry tool place when HP bought Compaq for $24 billion. First she wanted to buy the worth Water house Coopers but failed to pull off the deal.The company became more favorite then IBM and beat dell in the run also when afterward the merger the company won a 10 year contract from Procter and Gamble to provide computer services (Takahashi, 2005). Fiorina increased HPs consumer prat considerably and proved then the company was more than about printers. But the stocks fell down as the company was caught between the above two mention ed companies. In 2000 she also proposed to buy EDS which was rejected but in 2008 HP bided for EDS and yet again we see that Fiorina was on the right strategy.Fiorina came up with the settle strategy and supported R&D the most but the only thing HP could not do in her time was invent. While she was against protectionism, she was of the sketch that for the company is competitive because it is based in America and our workers are our assets as they are the best a company could get (Lochhead, 2004). Fiorina made alliances in Hollywood even, DreamWorks was HPs client for quiet some time. Fiorina believed that HP with its consumer and enterprise business should cater to customers standardized DreamWorks with back end tools and customer deals.The company adage many ups and downs in the reign of Fiorina. The company was seen to be declining when Fiorina took over. Although the merger was quite successful, the circuit board was yet skeptic as for them growth was more important than apo strophize cutting. The companys falling stock prices showed that the company is not excelling forward as the shareholders expected it to be. The company made a very big finding at the time of the merger as many were against it. After the Merger HP also came up with its own line of home entertainment products like TVs and theatre systems.Though we see that the time it came out with these products, it was struggling and it turned out to be a diversion for the company sort of of a new birth (Vries, 2005). In my view the strategies adopted by her were not short term if the board had waited another two years they would ca-ca seen the same results. The basis were put by Carly and one example of that is that HP brought EDS in 2008 when it was proposed by Carly eight years ago. If HP has beaten Dell today, it is due to the decision taken by Fiorina to acquire Compaq.She wanted HP to be a service provider in as many proficient fields as possible and this is what we see today. When HP acq uired Compaq, it cut down costs by nearly $3. 5 billion. The company had solid earnings, at a time when rivals like Sun Microsystems were barely able to keep up the business (Takahashi, 2005). For Carly Fiorina, it was a dream come true. HP was a company of engineers and she was a marketer. It was deprived of marketing dexterity. Here is when Fiorina comes up and positions the company as one of the coolest gadget makers of its time.In her time spent at HP, Fiorinas biggest accomplishment was the acquisition of Compaq. For Fiorina, if HP had to beat IBM and DELL, it required scope and scale. HP got both when it bought Compaq. As far as Failures are concerned, I think her biggest failure was that she could not convince her board that her decisions were for the betterment of the company. Some of the board members who she elected were against her in the end. She failed to put through their heads that she sees the company as a giant in the industry in a few year times and that they need to be patient.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Homeschooling vs. Public Schooling Essay
Homeschool and habitual school, which one is better for my child? What about the cost? Which educational setting will my child benefit the most from? These are questions that parents need to ask before making a decision such as this one. Also, parents need to know that both homeschool and earth schools appeal to good deal of all race, religion, and political viewpoints (Romanowski, 2001). Whether a parent chooses to homeschool their child or send them to public school, is a decision that needs to be researched on the performance, cost, and their childs life after school.First, when choosing which educational setting is best for their child, parents need to research students performance for both types of schooling. Studies have shown that children who are homeschooled score better on canvas than those who are in public school (Some Fascinating Facts, n.d.). Possible reasons being that the homeschooled child has more one-on-one time with the teacher, and they are commensurate to spend as much time as they need to on the subjects that they are struggling with, if any. The time that is allowed for each part of the curriculum may be too profligate or too slow for the child who is attending public school (Homeschooling vs. unexclusive, n.d.). Children who go to public schools are able to participate in group discussions and debates (Homeschooling vs. Public, n.d.). Students are able to develop their social skills, and learn to interact with children their own age.Next, the cost can also sham whether the parent decides to homeschool orsend their child to public school. Depending on the choices that a parent makes and the supplies that are needed, homeschooling one child can cost from $ three hundred-$2500 per course (Mohr, 2012). According to the National Retail Federation in 2012, the norm cost for a parent to send their child to public school was around $634 per year (Klein, 2013).Lastly, depending on which educational setting the parent chooses can affec t the students life after school. Children who were homeschooled had a GPA of 3.41 their freshman year of college, compared to other students who had a 3.12 (Some Fascinating Facts, n.d.). Students in public schools may raze discover that the lessons they learned outside the classroom, in extracurricular activities such as basketball or chess club, help them cope with future challenges in the employment (I Have A, n.d.).Therefore, choosing to homeschool or send a child to public school is not a very easy decision for parents to make much vox populi and research needs to be done on students performance, the cost of each, and what is in store for the student after graduating. Homeschoolers score better on tests than those in the public setting. Though, children who are homeschooled are not able to participate in group discussions or even class debates. Homeschooling, for one child, can cost anywhere from $300 to $2500 per year parents who decide to send their child to public school pay on average $634 a year. Homeschooled children had a better GPA their freshman year of college than the students who graduated from public school. The students who attend a public school and also are involved in some type of extracurricular activity, are able to cope better with the challenges in the workplace. Whatever educational setting the parent decides is best for their child, they need to know that there are both benefits and disadvantages with each decision.ReferencesHomeschooling vs. Public Schooling. (n.d.). _Homeschooling Ideas._ Retreived on may 24, 2014 from http// Have A Plan Iowa . (n.d.). _- Article_. Retrieved June 6, 2014, from https//, R. (August 20, 2013). Back-To-School Shopping Costs How Much Parents Should Expect To Spend This Year. _Huffin gton Post._ Retrieved on whitethorn 24, 2014 fromhttp//, A. (August 27, 2012), How To Start Homeschooling Your Kids. _Investopedia._ Retrieved on May 24, 2014 from http//, M. H. (2001). Undoing the Us vs. Them of Public and Home Schooling. _Education Digest_, _66_(9), 41.Some Fascinating Facts About Homeschool vs Public School. (n.d). _Homeschool World_. Retrieved on 24 May 2014 from http//
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Communication Worksheet Essay
In your own words, please answer the following questions. Each response should be written as an academic divide of at least 150 words. Be clear and concise, and be sure to explain your answers. If you cite any sources, use APA format.Paragraph QUESTIONS1. WHAT IS THE TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF parley? WHAT DOES COMMUNICATION MEAN TO YOU PERSONALLY? GIVE AN EXAMPLE. (150 WORDS)Answers will vary. The textual matterbook definition of chat is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and hear meaning in their environment (West-Turner Introducing Communication Theory, 2004). With that being stated, communication is more than just speaking, typing, or texting and even signing. Real communication involves listening and paying anxiety to what the other person or group of people ar expressing. Real communication is about response, give and take. In any real conversation we atomic number 18 all two teachers and learners. Real communication entails being open and ho nest. It shows the other person something about who I am on the inside. But if I rightfully want the other person to pay attention and understand my message, I need to speak peacefully and quietly and directly. No one can in reality hear and understand anything when people are angry and shouting and looking all over the place.1. Describe the differences between linear, interactional, and transactional. (150 words)Answers will vary. When it comes to communication, the differences between linear, interactional, and transactional communication are very different but arealso required for one another to work properly. Linear communication is a one-way street use for communication. It consists of the sender encoding a message and channeling it to the receiver in the presence of noise. There is an assumption that there is a clear beginning and end to this lineament of communication with no feedback from the receiver (West-Turner Introducing Communication Theory, 2004). For example sendi ng an email, text message, or giving a lecture. Interactional communication builds upon the linear communication model. It is a two-way street in which the sender channels a message to the receiver and the receiver becomes the sender and channels a message back to the genuine receiver(West-Turner Introducing Communication Theory, 2004). This model has added feedback and field experience. Cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, location, and personal experiences play a major role in interactional communication.For example sending a text message to a receiver and the original sender having to wait for a text message back. Finally, transactional communication notices that each and every one of us is a sender and a receiver combined. It also notices that all parties involved in the communication are affected in some shape or form. The transactional communication method shows that communication is fluid and simultaneous (West-Turner Introducing Communication Theory, 2004) and that most convers ations are alike. It takes into consideration how each and every one of us interprets the data from the conversations, thus both parties being able to share the same meaning. For example friends talking and listening. While one friend is talking the others are constantly giving feedback on what they conceive or feel through facial expression or verbal feedback without stopping the original friend from talking.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 Essay
Fahrenheit 451 was written by Ray Bradbury and in this declare I will be talking about on how this book is related to the motion censorship. I will be proving why censorship is related to the book. So why is the theme censorship important in the refreshed?Point ICensorship was a very important theme in Fahrenheit 451 in a lot of different ways sensation of them is since populate are not allowed to read books, so that is the most extreme form of censorship that exists. So according to Montag he said I estimable want some peerless to hear what I have to enjoin. And maybe if I talk long enough, itll make sense. This means that nobody understands him the way Clarisse does. Here is another(prenominal) one, so in this statement Captain Beatty says Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. So he is saying that books dont open peoples minds they destroy them it doesnt show how they learn, but we know that its not true, since some books do help us in life.And one very elicit fact about the book is when Ray Bradbury wrote about the book it was in the McCarthy era, and he as concerned about the censorship in the United States. So he got an idea about it and thought about it, and so Fahrenheit 451 was born.Point II In the paperback edition released in 1979, Ray Bradbury wrote a new coda for the book containing multiple comments on censorship and its relation to the novel. The coda is similarly present in the mass market paperback, which is still in print. At other times, Ray Bradbury explained the theme of the book differently. Bradbury observed that the novel touches on the alienation of people by media. Another thing is that this book and theme does have a message for all of us, its that the anticensorship message has often been cited by opponents of book banning in the United States. This means people also have to look out on what they are reading. Point III Another thing that I would like to point out is that the book explains on how Firemen also burn books, that there is censorship since they are using their materials not for job purposes but for nevertheless burning books. And that Captain Beatty there leader just cares about how his firemen finish the job, that another censorship since Beatty only cares about the money.Also how in one of the quotes a pointed out was when Montag wishes that he could be heard, he wishes that people hind end understand him better. That is another sign of censorship, you also cant even touch a book, well you can but people say that they are scared of books, and even owning a book is illegal so this book does have a lot of censorship on it. Here is one very good statement in the book that I thought was good it was said by Captain Beatty according to him he said What traitors books can be You think theyre backing you up, and they one shot on you. Others can use them too, and there you are, lost in the middle of the moor, in a huge welter of nouns and verbs and adjectives. Whic h is significant because he is saying that when you read books you keep on learning which is good but for Beatty its just nonsense and these books can turn you into something good, but for Beatty he thinks that youll turn into a bad influence for children.Conclusion So all in all this is why the books main theme is censorship lots or burning books, no one can even own or touch a book and how people dont even know if books are bad or good.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
IBP Wicked Problem
Discuss how the issues associated with mixed-up diet systems might be unsounded as a wicked problem. The notions of social wicked problems were first introduced in 1973 by Ritter and Webber two Berkeley professors who published an article in Policy Sciences, that identified the characteristics that identify wicked problems from ordinary problems (Camellias 2008). Ritter and Weepers article provided 10 properties that can be intaked as a guide to recognizing whether an issue is considered Wicked.With the instant increasing global population, issues adjoin diet production and distributed boast come to light, raising the questions is the worlds provender system broken? And is it a wicked problem? Studies give way sh accept that currently the global food transport system is growing faster than the food production industry itself (Trochaic, et al 2012). Food demand is becoming a major issue among nations, and is barely set to continue in the coming years, with an estimated 50% increase by 2030 (Trochaic, et al 2012).Over consumption in the developed world has become a very issue for poorer nations who re struggling to provide basic food provisions for their people, Richard Black identifies that major governments need to start acting sooner rather than later. We conduct to go beyond GAP and either we can do it voluntarily or well have to do it because pressure on a finite planet will in the end make us (Black, 2012). Adding to this, is the fact that up to 50% of food is lost in transportation, highlighting the huge amount of food wastage occurring, which if cut down would help to ease up the demand and supply chain (Law, 2011).Climate kind and natural disasters are another factor contributing to the food yester crisis. As the world increases its trading and relies more on this system, elements affecting one major provider are felt globally. A catastrophic drought in Russia caused global wheat prices to rise 70% higher in 2011 compared to the previous y ear causing major issues for the worlds poorest people, who spend 80% of their income on food (Ford, 2011).Climate change caused by humans and natural disasters add more elements to the food system predicament, further complicating the search for solutions. The first famine of the 21st century occurred in Somalia, with experts stating that this would have never happened as humans are producing enough food to feed the world twice over (Law, 2011). The report highlights how the disaster could have been prevented through archaeozoic warning systems, and a quicker response time.Archie Law brings to light two major issues contributing to the famine one being the removal of major support in the agricultural field governments ignoring this need for more agriculture are simply setting up for future disaster. The second major issue is the use of land Saudi Arabians emptied their aquifers growing wheat and can longer deed themselves. They are now purchasing land in developing countries to gr ow their own food supply (Law, 2011). This power play of rich nations adds the issue of politics into the food system, with those with the most money always coming out on acquit (Maxwell, 2012).Aid is not enough to fix this issue more must be done to help the people to help themselves (Karri, 2005). The worlds food system is clearly broken and needs to be addressed on a global scale. There is no definite formulation of this complex problem and the search for solutions never stops. The umpteen elements making up this complex issue are all unique and no solution can bring a 100% fix, adding to this is the amount of stakeholders who have different opinions and expectations.These are all properties of a wicked problem (Camellias 2008), thus making the broken food system wicked.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Republic of South Africa Essay
in the south Africa contains uprisely of the oldest archaeological sites in the world.192021 Extensive fossil remains at the Sterkfontein, Kromdraai and Makapansgat caves suggest that various australopithecines existed in federation Africa from about three million years ago.22 These were succeeded by various species of Homo, including Homo habilis, Homo erectus and modern humans, Homo sapiens.Settlements of Bantu-speaking lots, who were iron-using agriculturists and herdsmen, were already present south of the Limpopo River by the fourth or fifth century CE. (see Bantu expansion). They displaced, conquered and absorbed the original Khoisan speakers. The Bantu slowly moved south. The earliest ironworks in modern-day KwaZulu-Natal Province ar believed to date from virtually 1050. The southernmost group was the Xhosa people, whose language incorporates certain linguistic traits from the earlier Khoisan people. The Xhosa chained the Great Fish River, in todays Eastern p solelyium Province. As they migrated, these larger Iron Age populations displaced or assimilated earlier peoples, who often had hunter-gatherer societies.citation neededRepublic of South Africa (1961present)In 1487, the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias became the prototypic European to reach the southernmost point of Africa. Initially named the pallium of Storms, The King of Portugal, John II, renamed it the Cabo da Boa Esperana or Cape of Good Hope, as it led to the wealthinessiness of India. Dias great feat of navigation was later immortalised in Cames epic Portuguese poem, The Lusiads (1572). In 1652, Jan van Riebeeck established a refreshment station at the Cape of Good Hope on behalf of the Dutch East India Company. The Dutch transported slaves from Ind sensationsia, Madagascar, and India as labour for the colonists in Cape Town. As they expanded east, the Dutch settlers met the south-westerly expanding Xhosa people in the region of the Fish River. A series of wars, called the Ca pe Frontier contends, ensued, mainly caused by conflicting land and livestock interests.Great Britain took over the Cape of Good Hope area in 1795, ostensibly to stop it from falling under Revolutionary French control. Given its standing interests in Australia and India, Great Britain valued to use Cape Town as an interim port for its merchants long voyages. The British returned Cape Town to the Dutch in 1803, but soon afterwards the Dutch East India Company declared bankruptcy.The British annexed the Cape Colony in 1806. The British continued the frontier wars against the Xhosa, raiseing the eastern frontier tocopherol through a line of forts established along the Fish River. They consolidated the territory by encouraging British settlement. Due to pressure of abolitionist societies in Britain, the British parliament first stopped its global slave trade with the unclutterage of the Slave Trade Act 1807, then abolished slavery in all its colonies with the Slavery Abolition Ac t 1833.Boers in combat (1881)In the first two decades of the 19th century, the Zulu people grew in power and expanded their territory under their leader, Shaka.23 Shakas depredations led indirectly to the Mfecane (Crushing) that devastated the inland plateau in the early 1820s.24 An offshoot of the Zulu, the Matabele, created an even larger empire under their king Mzilikazi, including large part of the highveld.During the 1830s, approximately 12,000 Boers (later known as Voortrekkers), departed from the Cape Colony, where they had been subjected to British control. They migrated to the future Natal, orange Free land and Transvaal regions. The Boers founded the Boer Republics the South African Republic (now Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North westerly provinces) and the Orange Free State (Free State).The discovery of diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1884 in the interior encouraged economic growth and immigration. This intensified the European-South African subjection of the indig enous people. The struggle to control these important economic resources was a factor between Europeans and the indigenous population, and also between the Boers and the British.25The Boer Republics successfully resisted British encroachments during the First Boer struggle (18801881) using guerrilla warfare tactics, which were well suited to local conditions. However, the British returned with greater numbers, more experience, and more suitable tactics in the Second Boer War (18991902), which was won by the British.20th century After four years of negotiating, the Union of South Africa was created from the Cape and Natal colonies, as well as the republics of Orange Free State and Transvaal, on 31 May 1910, exactly eight years after the end of the Second Boer War. The newly created Union of South Africa was a dominion of Great Britain. The Natives Land Act of 1913 severely restricted the ownership of land by blacks at that stage they had control of a mere 7% of the country. The amou nt of land reserved for indigenous peoples was later marginally increased.26In 1931 the union was effectively granted independence from the United Kingdom with the passage of the law of Westminster. In 1934, the South African Party and National Party merged to form the United Party, seeking reconciliation between Afrikaners and English-speaking Whites. In 1939 the society split over the entry of the Union into World War II as an ally of the United Kingdom, a move which the National Party followers strongly opposed.For use by snow-clad persons sign from the apartheid eraIn 1948, the National Party was elected to power. It intensified the implementation of racial segregation begun under Dutch and British colonial rule, and subsequent South African governing bodys since the Union was formed. The Nationalist Government systematised existing segregationist laws, classifying all peoples into three races, developing rights and limitations for each, such as pass laws and residential r estrictions. The white minority controlled the vastly larger black majority. The system of segregation became known collectively as apartheid.While the White minority enjoyed the highest tired of living in all of Africa, often comparable to First World western nations, the Black majority remained disadvantaged by almost every standard, including income, education, housing, and bearing expectancy. On 31 May 1961, following a whites-only referendum, the country became a republic and left the Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth II ceased to be head of state, and the last Governor-General became State hot seat.Apartheid became increasingly controversial, leading to wide blossom international sanctions, divestment and growing unrest and oppression within South Africa. A long period of harsh suppression by the government, and at times violent resistance, strikes, marches, protests, and sabotage by bombing and other means, by various anti-apartheid movements, most notably the African National Congress (ANC), followed.In the late 1970s, South Africa began a programme of nuclear weapons development. In the following decade, it produced six deliverable nuclear weapons.The Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith, signed by Mangosuthu Buthelezi and Harry Schwarz in 1974, enshrined the principles of peaceful transition of power and equality for all, the first of such agreements by acknowledged black and white political leaders in South Africa, which would in conclusion end with the negotiations between F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela in 1993.In 1990 the National Party government took the first step towards dismantling discrimination when it lifted the ban on the African National Congress and other political organisations. It released Nelson Mandela from prison after twenty-seven years incarceration on a sabotage sentence. A negotiation subroutine known as the Convention for a Democratic South Africa was started. The government repealed apartheid legislation. South Africa destroye d its nuclear arsenal and acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994, which the ANC won by an overwhelming majority. It has been in power ever since.In post-apartheid South Africa, unemployment has been extremely high. While umteen blacks have risen to shopping mall or upper classes, the overall unemployment rate of blacks worsened between 1994 and 2003.27 Poverty among whites, previously rare, increased.28 While some have attributed this partly to the legacy of the apartheid system, increasingly galore(postnominal) attribute it to the failure of the current governments policies. In addition, the current government has struggled to achieve the monetary and fiscal discipline to ensure some(prenominal) redistribution of wealth and economic growth. Since the ANC-led government took power, the United Nations Human Development Index of South Africa has fallen, while it was steadily rising until the mid-1990s.29 Some of this could possibly be attributed to the AIDS epidemic and the failure of the government to take steps to address it.30Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Xhosa pronunciation xoliaa mandela), born 18 July 1918, 1 served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, the first South-African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of the African National Congresss armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. The South African courts convicted him on charges of sabotage, as well as other crimes committed while he led the movement against apartheid. In accordance with his convictions sentence, Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island. Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela shoped reconciliation and negotiation, and helped lead the transition towards multi-racial democracy in South Africa.Since the end of apartheid, many have frequently p raised Mandela, including former opponents. In South Africa he is often known as Madiba, an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandelas clan. The title has come to be synonymous with Nelson Mandela.Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades, most notably the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. In November 2009, the United Nations General Assembly announced that Mandelas birthday, 18 July, is to be known as Mandela twenty-four hours to mark his contribution to world freedom.2Apartheid (Afrikaans pronunciation prtit, separateness) was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by whites was maintained.Racial segregation in South Africa began in colonial times, but apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of 1948. New legislation classified inhabitants into racial groups (black, white, obscure, and Yellow), and residential areas were segregated by means of forced removals. From 1958, Blacks were deprived of their citizenship, legally becoming citizens of one of ten tribally based self-governing homelands called bantustans, four of which became nominally independent states. The government segregated education, medical care, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of whites.Apartheid sparked significant internal resistance and violence as well as a long trade embargo against South Africa.1 A series of popular uprisings and protests were met with the banning of opposition and imprisoning of anti-apartheid leaders. As unrest spread and became more violent, state organizations responded with increasing repression and state-sponsored violence.Reforms to apartheid in the 1980s failed to quell the mounting opposition, and in 1990 President Frederik Willem de Klerk began negotiations to end apartheid, culm inating in multi-racial democratic elections in 1994, which were won by the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela. The vestiges of apartheid still shape South African politics and society.2After decades in a Robben Island prison, Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) is released in 1990 and works presently to bring about the end of apartheid and the initiation of full democratic elections where the black majority population can vote. Mandela wins the race for President of South Africa and takes office in 1994. His immediate challenge is balancing black aspirations with white fears. The countrys still-present racial tensions are shown, in part, through Mandelas security team, which is composed both of new black and old white officials. The black and white groups are immediately hostile to one another despite sharing the same note and goal.While Mandela attempts to tackle the countrys largest problems including crime and unemployment he attends a game of the Springboks, the cou ntrys rugby union team. Non-whites in the stadium embolden against their home squad, as the Springboks (their history, players and even their colours) represent prejudice and apartheid in their mind. Knowing that South Africa is set to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup in one years time, Mandela convinces the South African rugby board to keep the Springbok team, name and colours the same. He then forgathers with the Springboks captain Franois Pienaar (Matt Damon). Though Mandela neer verbalizes his true meaning during their meeting, Pienaar understands the message below the surface if the Springboks can gain the support of non-white South Africans and succeed in the upcoming World Cup, the country get out be unified and inspired. Mandela also shares with Pienaar that a poem, Invictus, had been inspiring to him during his time in prison, helping him to stand when all he wanted to do was lie heap.Pienaar and his teammates train, but the players (all but one are white) voice disapprov al that they are to be envoys to the poor and public fearing exhaustion from overwork. Mandela, too, hears disapproval from friends and family. Many more, both white and non-white citizens and politicians, began to express doubts on using sport to unite a nation torn apart by some 50 years of racial tensions. For many non-white, especially the radicals, the Springboks symbolised white supremacy and they did not want to support their national team. As the tournament approaches, Mandela collapses from exhaustion and the Springboks only non-white player, Chester Williams, is sidelined with a pulled hamstring.Things begin to change, however, as the players went around interacting with the locals. During the opening games, support for the Springboks begins to grow amongst the non-white population. By the second game Williams is fit once again. Citizens of all races turn out in numbers to show their solid support for the Springboks. At the suggestion of several security guards, Mandela d ecides to sport a Springbok jersey with Pienaars number 6 on it to show his support and his name is chanted repeatedly by the home crowd during his entrance, a contrast to a previous rugby match scene, in which Mandela is booed by some of the whites in the crowd. As momentum builds, even the security team members become at ease with each other and the black members who disliked rugby eventually began to enthusiastically support their national team alongside their white colleagues.The Springboks, possessing a sub-par record, were not expected to go very far and are expected to set down in the quarterfinals. They surpass all expectations and make the final, only to face the New Zealand rugby team called the All Blacks the most successful rugby team in the world, the favourites to win the World Cup and historically the Springboks greatest rivals. Roared on by a large home crowd of both whites and non-white, Pienaar motivates his team to overcome their doubts and push their bodies t o the limits.After ending in a tie, the game goes into extra time, where the Springboks win on a long drop kick from fly-half Joel Stransky (Scott Eastwood) and a score of 15-12. Mandela and Pienaar meet on the field together to celebrate the improbable victory amidst a crowd of some 62,000 fansof all races. Once there, Mandela thanks Pienaar for his service to the nation, but Pienaar insists the President that he deserves the real thanks. In one particular scene, some white police officers celebrate by hoisting a young black boy, who had been lingering near their vehicle to listen to the radio broadcast of the game, onto their shoulders.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Film Review
Probably the worlds most famous love story has been retold in 1997 chthonian the watchful hand of Baz Luhrman (Also directed Moulin Rouge and Strictly Ballroom) who is trying to give this old Shakespeare classic, a more(prenominal) than(prenominal) modern touch.Baz Luhrman simply takes the tragedy from the past, and drops it into the 21st century. In this strange new setting, the swords are tossed aside for guns precisely the old language, remains. Also the film is refreshed by young popular actors such as da Vinci di Caprio. This creates a bizarre mix, where the audience is left to gauge whether this is still the same old tragedy or something completely different.The actors mostly play their parts precise well, but I think that Pete Postlethwaite (Friar Lawrence) who was also seen in In the Name of the Father and Miriam Margolyes (Nurse) were outstanding at portraying their characters and the best actors on the set. On the separate hand I found the performance by the main fi gures Leonardo Di Caprio(Romeo) and Claire Danes (Juliet) appauling and it kind of felt equal they knew their lines, but had no idea what they were actually talking about. An example of this is how Romeo sometimes says his words without expression or with expression in the wrong place. I think that these roles should have been taken over by more experienced actors, who have played Shakespeare plays before but Leonardo Di Caprio will probably be a reason for many another(prenominal) teenagers to see this film so the reason why he was cast is probably because he will attract a bigger young audienceThere are not many special effects in this film, but definitely many more than in other(a) adjustments of the story. I think that the camera was one of the major participants in this film as Luhrman did so many different types of shots and scenes that it just makes this film much more viewable. Examples of this are at the very beginning of the film, thither are about 30 different shots right after one another which creates a very fast pace. Other examples include long shots of Verona which are shown very often all through the film, where you deal see two big buildings, one with a Montague sign and the other one with a Capulet and a twirl of the camera as transitions between scenes.As al substances in love stories or tragedies, harmony is also a major helper in this film. A slow, romantic song is played when Romeo and Juliet first-year meet and funky loud music when Romeo and his friends enter the ball.What Luhrman mainly tries to do with this film, is to make the story more interesting and more appealing to a younger audience, which has decided to try and achieve this with more achievement packed scenes and fighting. This does though sometimes make the film seem unrealistic, childish even, like a teenagers version of the tragedy.This is for sure the most modern and action filled version of the play and I think it potentiometer be described as something fresh and new and completely different. This film is a great way of getting a younger generation of people interested in Shakespeare, as it included lots of action and fighting but I am not sure if this film is really a better version of Romeo and Juliet. Although it may not be as interesting and action packed, I think I still prefer the old boring classic Shakespeare tragedy.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Holland: Personality Types
tooshie Hollands Personality-Type Theory John Hollands gravel holds that different character types atomic number 18 trump out suited to different c areers. He proposed six basic personality types and then identified careers they were best suited to enter. Hollands model is a modern trait-factor theory that has been very authoritative in vocational counseling. It is employed by popular interest inventories such as the Self-Directed Search, vocational Preference Inventory, and Strong Interest Inventory. Personality TypesHollands six personality types are pose along a hexagonal model with opposite work surroundingss across from one another on the hexagon and more close related work environss next to one another. The Realistic type contrasts most sharply with the Social type, the investigative with the Enterprising, and the unoriginal with the Artistic. Realistic Investigative Conventional Artistic Enterprising Social Realistic These individuals mess hall best with an environment that is objective and physical. They like stereotypical masculine, outside and hands-on activities. They are most comfortable in work environments dealing with machines, equipment, tools, nature, athletics and crafts. They tend to dislike Social occupations. Investigative These individuals deal best with an environment that is able. They respect working with ideas, words or symbols.They prefer scientific and theoretical pursuits that can largely be pursued through their individual effort. They tend to dislike Enterprising occupations. Social These individuals deal best with an environment that involves working with mountain in some helping, t separatelying, or serving capacity. They enjoy kindly interaction and beingness around others. They tend to dislike Realistic occupations. Conventional These individuals deal best with an environment that is concrete and predictable.They enjoy structure and routine, and often like office practices and computational work. They tend to dislike Artistic occupations. Enterprising These individuals deal best with an environment that is adventurous, energizing and challenging. They are extroverted and enjoy power, dominance, and persuasive communication. Business and supervisory occupations are chosen, and they tend to dislike Realistic occupations. Artistic These individuals deal best with an environment that allows for creative self-expression.They like music, drama, literature, picturesque arts, and other self-expressive activities. They tend to dislike Conventional occupations. The Holland Hexagon Careers and Six Basic Types John Holland, a career specialist, substantial a theory that people and careers can be characterized by six basic types. These types, or Holland Codes, are commonly referred to as RIASEC to reflect the first letter in each of the heads. R for Realistic S for Social I for Investigative E for Enterprising A for Artistic C for Conventional Your Holland theme c ode will generally consist of three letters that correspond to your first, second, and third strongest preferences or interests. The pursual table describes people and work environments according to Hollands theory of Careers and Basic types PEOPLE AND THEIR WORK ENVIRONMENTS* (based on John Hollands Career Theory) Types People Work Environments Realistic Strong mechanical, psychomotor, and athletic abilities honest loyal like the alfresco prefer working with machines, tools, plants, and animals. Structured clear goals and lines of authority work with hands, machines, or tools casual dress focalisation on tangible results engineering, military, skilled trades Investigative Strong problem solving and analytical skills mathematically be given like to observe, learn, and evaluate prefer working alone reserved idea generators Nonstructured research oriented intellectual discover, collect, and analyze ideas/data science, math, medicine, and comp uter related labs, universities, eminent tech, hospitals. Artistic Creative complex emotional primordial idealistic flair for communicating ideas prefer working independently like to sing write, act, paint, think creatively Nonstructured creative flexible rewards unconventional and aesthetic values creation of products and ideas arts organizations, films/TV, publishing, advertising, m utiliseums, theater, galleries Social Friendly extrovert find fulfillment in helping others strong verbal and personal skills teaching abilities impulsive compatible congenial work on people-related problems/issues inform train, develop, cure, or enlighten others team oriented human resources training, education, social service, hospitality, health care, nonprofit Enterprising Confident assertive sociable speaking and leadership abilities like to use influence strong interpersonal skills status conscious True business environment results oriented se t high-quality service and product orientation entrepreneurial high prestige power focused sales, management, politics, finance, retail, leadership Conventional Dependable disciplined precise persistent orderly efficient practical detail oriented clerical and numerical abilities Orderly clear rules and policies systematized manipulation and organization of data control and handling of money high income potential accounting, business, finance, administration * From Real People Real Jobs, by David H. Montross, Zandy B. Leibowitz, and Christopher J. Shinkman One way to identify and dig into your career type is illustrated with a hexagon. A hexagon can be used to represent the similarities and differences of characteristics among people, among jobs, and between people and jobs. Most peoples interests combine several types to some degree. The six types can be arranged around a hexagon. Types that are next to one another on the hexagon are mo st close related.Types that are opposite one another on the hexagon are the most dissimilar. For example, the Realistic and Investigative types are similar, while the Realistic and Social types are often dissimilar. Learning what your type is and how the types are related to each other is important to your successful career decision-making process. d
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Train
The tumefy cold numbed my eyes as I stumbled through the biting snow, dragging a dull, faded clutches overloaded with necessities behind me, leaving a de cosmosd in the deadly, ice snow. All abroad a man in a bright red suit, a funny red hat and an equally crimson nose called, his verbalise straining to be heard over the howling wind. I struggled up to him and opened over my ticket, which was faded from sweat, tears and the bitter snow. Then man, whom I safely assumed was the train conductor, glanced briefly at the ticket, w here(predicate)fore smiled at me slightly. Terrible morning isnt it? he commented. I did not reply. In for a long ride, I come upon he added when he saw my ticket. I gave no result as I checked my heavy bag. He beamed wider as he say, Welcome aboard the Windows Express, madam I tried to smile back, yet my scarf was bundled around my nose and my mouth, so I nodded instead. convey you. My junction was moreover audible over the gusty breeze as I stepped make the chopine and boarded the train. The nominal head compartment was crowded, packed like sardines. I squeezed past the numerous bodies to get to the next train ar, which was where I was to be seated. Even though the warmth there was comforting, I hoped it was not too stuffy in my car. I finally broke free from the crowd, swinging the car door open and entering a considerably cooler car. I removed my scarf from my looking. My skin was raw with cold, but I barely mat up it. I glanced around. This car was deserted, the seats along its aisle empty. I checked the number of compartment I had been assigned then opened the door to it. there was a small bunk bed in the corner, with a little closed off area I guessed was the bunk. I lanced out the single window, but there was nothing to be seen through the fog and slat than plummeted so hard against the glass it felt like hail. Feeling slightly claustrophobic in the narrow compartment, I briskly threw off my roof and exite d, walking back into the aisle. I scorecardd a door at the back of the car and unconquerable to check it out. I made my way down the aisle and slid the door open. It led into the next car. This completeness did not devote seats, but little booths lined up neatly along either side. There was a bellman near the back, tending to a little refreshment stand. His eyes were bored, even as he attempted to reet me pleasantly. Hello, maam, welcome to the arse around. Would you like anything? Some pie, perhaps, or a cup of coffee? Uninterested, I declined politely, notwithstanding as another door caught my eye. Without cyphering, I flung it open. There was nothing in the room pull out a door with a window fixed into it, and a shiny red handle. This is where youll be disembarking, the bellboy informed me. That theres the emergency brake, he added, pointing at the handle. Youre perfectly welcome to pull that at any judgment of conviction. interpreted aback, I spluttered on my Coke. W hat? I wouldnt. Thats ridiculous.Then how will I get to where I am going? I demanded incredulously. The bellboy shrugged. sometimes you cant rely on trains to get you to where you want to go. I stared openly at him. chop-chop dismissing him as crazy, I false away and hastily returned to my compartment. Once safely inside, I lay on my bed, thinking to myself about my destination, a place I had never been and a face I had not seen for so many years it hurt to think about it. Flashbacks began to attack my once- peaceful mind, invading my would be calm pondering. At four years old, my hands pressed tightly over my ears, rying in idle to block out the sounds of heated arguments over nothing. Seven years old, an empty bottle crashing over my tip as I tried to escape the debris of broken plates. Thirteen years, bruises covering my face, blood on my hands, a broken ankle, pang enveloping my body. Sixteen, my broken ribs causing me to shake as I slammed the front door behind me and li mped as fast as I could into the night, my mother screaming for me to come headquarters and my fathers threats chasing after(prenominal) me I jerked awake, nearly falling out of bed. My head felt heavy, and my eyes groggy, as if I had not slept or days. Sluggishly, I checked my watch, which still hung from my wrist. My eyes snapped wide open as they understand the time, then relaxed again. My watch had stopped at around the same time I boarded that train. I got up, step tired, and felt my stomach growl. I stood up, stretched, brushed my hair and hurridly with my fingers and left my compartment. I was about to go to the dawdle to eat when I noticed another girl sitting on a seat in the aisle, next to the window. She was clothed very thinly for the morbid weather, and her long locks of auburn hair poured over her shoulders.I approached her slowly. Hello, I said, and she jumped in surprised. Sorry for startling you, but do you swallow the time? She looked up at me, and I saw a t hin ragged face that would have been pretty if not for the exhaustion overwhelming it, and the melancholy sadness in her eyes. Oh hello, its quite alright. Let me check. She lifted her mobile phone from her pocket, glanced at it, then shook her head apologetically. Strange. It seems to have died. I couldve sworn I charged it yesterday. I thanked her anyway, and asked her where she was going. She looked even assume when I questioned her. Im going to see my long-distance partner for four years, she said, in an almost rehearsed answer. I think he may propose to me, but I doubt Im ready for such a change. She drifted off, her voice trailing away, then came to her senses and asked me where I was headed. Im going to see my father. I havent seen him for nearly a decade, I said quietly. I cant say Im looking forward to it. She agreed with me, and we made small talk for awhile longitudinal in the first place I excused myself and when to the lounge. The bellboy was not there anymore, a nd I breathed an inward take a breath of relief.The batty guy had freaked me out. I saw someone sitting down in one of the lounge booths. Hidden behind stacks of paperwork and a newspaper sat a middle aged man in an impressive suit and tie, muttering to himself in what looked like disgust. I walked over to him. Hi, sorry to chew out you, but do you know what time it is? He glanced up and stopped grumbling. Hmm? Oh, yes. he shot a look at his fancy wristwatch. Well, what is this? My watch isnt working He began to mumble again. I found it freaky that nobody knew the time, so I stole a glimpse of the watch, and sure enough it ceased to ick. Thats a shame, I said good-naturedly, and asked him what he was doing. Its for a case I have, he replied. I must have looked puzzled, because he elaborated. Im a lawyer, you see, and Im about to defend the biggest drug cartels of all time- then again, I probably shouldnt have told you that. I was about to leave him in peace when he continued on. In my defense, my invitee is one of my oldest friends. I owe him my life and hes gotten me out tons of scraps. I really have no choice. I began to feel a little uncomfortable, and averted my gaze to rest on the window.To my surprise, evening was over-the sun was travel on another day Had I missed my stop? I was supposed to be off the train by dusk, yet here was dawn, a new day beginning right before my eyes Panicking, I ran back to my car and asked the girl still sitting on he seat, What time did you get on? Which state are you going to? Bewildered, she told me the details of her travel. I calculated in my head. moreover what would only take you a few hours You should have arrived by now, I said, unable to keep my voice from getting louder. She seemed indifferent. Maybe we made a few stops along the way. I wasnt awake the whole time, you know. But I had it all figured out. The pieces of the puzzle were coming together, forming an unbelievable picture in my head. I ran back into the lounge, and flung open the door at the back of it, where the emergency brake ws. The lady came racing after me, asking where I was going. Look, its the emergency brake. If we pull it, well be able to get out of here I exclaimed. She looked at me the same way I had looked at the bellboy- as if one of us had asleep(p) bonkers. What? Are you crazy? Why? Its ridiculous.Then how will I ever get to where Im going? I smiled at the distinct resemblance her words had to mine. Reaching over, I grasped the red handle in my right hand and pulled as hard as I could. The train screeched against the metal of the tracks. I pushed against the exit door, and it opened easily. I leaped off the train. The ground was icy and cold beneath my feet, and the cold wind cut my uncovered face like a knife. I became aware that I did not even have my jacket with me as the cold began to envelope my very being. What are you doing? Youll freeze to death the girl cried next to me. You dont even have you r suitcase with you. I vaguely recalled my stuffed baggage, filled with things I suddenly realized were of no importance to me. And just like that, suddenly, I felt free. Free of all my emotional baggage, free of everything that weigh me down, free of guilt, pain and sorrow. A sense of warmth, a beautiful feeling, filled up my body, and I no longer felt the chill. I turned back to the train, smiling for the first time in years. Why dont you come with me? I asked the girl. She shook her head, eyes wide. And then the train door slammed shut, and began to move again.Free of doubt, I turned from the sight of the train slowly resending out of sight until it vanished, and began to trudge through the snow, in the direction of my destination. Sometimes we are weighed down by the pain, grief and guilt. We go through life day by day, exclusively existing, not living, and time stands still. Those days we live, so burdened by emotions, are meaningless and pas by without notice of purpose. If we could just let go of it all, forget our troubles for a few seconds, and look around us, perhaps we would see the beauty we are meant to see, and the wonder we would feel if we only let go.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Wound Care
chopine Evaluation pique Cargon decoct The Wesleyan hospital offers a Wound C ar & Hyperbaric Medicine Program which works closely with long-sufferings and specially trained physicians (2010). The courseme focuses on monitoring, management, and manipulation of continuing and non-repairing insults (TMHS, 2010). Non meliorate contuses affect a large follow of the populace and sustain concourse from leading an active life. Researchers report new technologies argon altering the offshoot in which continuing shocks atomic public figure 18 treated. More options for outrage treatment argon available today than previously available.Bio-engineered skin substitutes, vary dressings and the latest compression wraps are a few of the more recent methods for wound treatment. The Wesleyan Hospitals Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Program offers state-of-the-art technologies and advanced wound feel for techniques to effectively premeditation for non-healing wounds. shew d epicts that a wound that has not healed in over a calendar month should not be overlooked (CDC, 2009). The TMHWC curriculum uses a team approach to promote advanced wound healing. The first measuring of healing for patients enrolled in the wound care broadcast is a methodical evaluation by a wound care physician. on that point is a huge need for quality wound centers. Non healing wounds and profligate management price well(p)ness care centers a substantial amount of money each year. consort to Pompeo (2010) health care ecesiss involve well-organized and precise figures to decide which cost effective wound care function to propose. The difficulty with chronic wounds is that it is very demanding on staff within a hospitals organization (Shai & Halevy, 2005). The burden of chronic wound management is constant and an evaluation is necessary in an effort to uprise the importance of maintaining The Methodist Hospital Wound Center.The purpose of this evaluation is to examine th e wound care program at The Methodist Hospital in Houston Texas. This evaluation will provide the history and overview of the root ancestry for chronic wounds and the effectiveness of treatment of those wounds. This evaluation will in addition comprise a come off of the programs patient population, chronic wound diagnoses, primary diseases, treatment devices, as well as costs associated with the health care organization. The assessment will expand the bringings of the previously submitted involve analysis for the healthcare organization expansion of services.The components of the project are consis 10t with the organizational mission, values and vision. Background The Methodist Hospitals wound care Treatment Center came to exist from a meeting between several surgeons at a wound care clinic in Southeast Texas. The physicians were discussing a patient who had suffered with wounds for a number of years. The physicians were interested in increasing improving the credentialing an d acquaintance of wound care services. The Wound Care Center was founded and incorporated in 1990 as an extension of The Methodist Hospital.The Methodist Wound Care Center is dedicated to the multidisciplinary team approach in promoting the science of prevention, care, and treatment of acute and chronic wounds. Today the Methodist Wound Center continues to offer treatment and intervention for chronic wounds. The Methodist Wound Center is an independent center staffed and funded by The Methodist Hospital. A chronic wound has an appearance of one or more underlying conditions which become evident on the skin. Chronic wounds are reported to assume the following etiologies (Krasner, 2001) pressure, venous, arterial, diabetic, ischemic, cancer, and end-of-life.A chronic wound entails intervention by numerous health care authorities to address the many conditions and co-morbidities that impact future prognosis and healing. Mission The mission of The Methodist Hospitals Wound Care Center is to provide a abundant range of the highest quality, outcome oriented animal(prenominal) therapy services for a variety of patients with wounds. The Methodist Hospital Wound Care Clinic team of specialists works together for improved healing rates and fewer amputations in chronic wound cases. In the course of treatment, the clinics ask is to prevent prolonged or permanent disability and sign hospitalizations.Vision Statement Where people want to work, where physicians want to practice, and most important, where registered patients want to go when they need healthcare services. The vision statement sets specific goals in objective terms, and a term frame for the goals to be met (Pelland, 2009). Literature Review Websters New Riverside University mental lexicon (2010) defines an ulcer as an unhealthy, often suppurating lesion on the skin or an inbred mucosal surface of the body, as in the duodenum, resulting in necrosis of the tissue.Dorlands Medical Dictionary (2010) descr ibes an ulcer as a local mar or excavation on the surface of an organ or tissue which is produced by sloughing of inflammatory necrotic tissue. Wounds that do not respond within the expected eon frame are be as chronic wounds or ulcers (Wollina, Hansel, Kronert, & Heinig, 2010). Chronic wounds are contri only whened to primary diagnoses which slow down the healing execute and may sometimes result in death (CDC, 2007). The first step in conducting a needs analysis for the Wound Care Center is to identify the services most in need of support.A review of the number of referrals for different services could direct an initial effort. Networking with practices that contract already utilize standardized services may be of assistance. Performance measures must be in place for monitoring program success. Performance measures should assess for method reimbursement and sustainability, patient and provider satisfaction, treatment outcomes, and areas for improvement (Lockamy & Smith, 200 9). Development of standards makes ease of routine with separate organisations a reality and are necessary for efficient operations (Spivack, 2005).Principles to be considered in alternative, implementation, and evaluation are patient satisfaction, strategic alignments, do work management, performance measurement, and project management (Lockamy & Smith). Developing community and political science commission liaisons will strengthen the chance of program implementation success (Dick, Manson, Hansen, Huggins, & Trullinger, 2007). The CDC (2009) reported that over 25 billion dollars is spent annually to govern the management of non-healing wounds. Each year seven million Americans are diagnosed with at least one type of chronic wound.The incidence rate of chronic wounds ranges about ten percent annually and is contri anded to the current increase in age of the populace. Stages of Wound Healing There are three contours of wound healing (Fishman, 2008). First, in that locations phase one-the inflammatory phase, which immediately begins and is active for the first five years of injury. The inflammatory phase generates coagulate from vaso-constriction, platelet aggregation, and thromboplastin formation. The proliferative phase is the second typify of wound healing. This phase transpires up to three weeks after injury.Granulation, contraction and epithelialization draw the ulcerated edges together in an effort to reduce the deficiency (Fishman, 2008). Stage three of wound healing is sometimes defined as the re poseing phase. The modification stage last up to two years. Collagen is formed, which increases the overall vigor of the wound (Fishman, 2008). There are three types of cost analyses. They are cost-effective analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-utility analysis and cost-utility analysis. They are aimed at reducing the wastage of resources in invalid methods by getting the vantages of use of a busy activity with the value in terms of cost.People wit h diabetes are more prone to developing ulcers on their feet. Decreased sensation and a lack of circulation lead to this problem. The best representation to prevent ulcers from forming is by performing a daily foot inspection. The three are not in return exclusive in their use and can be used in any one particular situation though in different stages of the pyramid. An example is the use of exercise as a cost-effective means of tackling diabetes. In one of its many advantages, the exercise does not only help manage the diabetes nevertheless other conditions are catered for in the primary stage.This includes, stress reduction and hypertension which may be additions to the disease. There are many benefits of using exercise to various diseases like the cardiovascular types. The use of exercise is implemented in the third stage, tertiary stage that will include the treatment or management of the disease. It helps in burning down the excess calories in the body. (Hatziandreu, E. , 200 3) Wound Center Protocol Patients undergo an inclusive personal upon admission to the wound care center. The work up plan for wound care consists of physical evaluations, line of descent work, Xrays and wound assessments.Medical staff meets daily to discuss the best plan of care for the patients. The treatment communications protocol Centers which practice systematic ways to develop wound treatment provide excellent care, including evidence base treatment protocols which lead to superior clinical outcomes (Fishman, 2008). The Methodist Hospitals Wound Care Center treats and issuings care of the wounds at any part of the body including sacral, abdominal and even in the lower extremities. The center treats all types of wounds instanced by burns and pressure, diabetes, radiation and vascular diseases.The centers protocol is to treat all chronic wounds until they heal as well as prevents recurrence and preserve limbs. The centers staff does not only treat but also monitors wounds t eaches prevention ways such as eating proper nutrition among other specialties. Program Objectives The American Physiological Society (2010) website indicated the evaluation provides formative feedback that helps guide a program as it is beingness implemented. It also provides summative data that clearly demonstrates that the program is accomplishing its stated goals and objectives.Without an efficient evaluation, the program personnel may be unsuccessful with regard to documentation of impactful program issues. The Wound Care Center employs five full time registered nurses, certified in wound care. The center also employs three administrative personnel, including the clinic administrator. The wound care center employees several medical staff physicians, including a podiatrist, 2 general surgeons and one plastic and internal medicine. The treatment of chronic wounds and research on the pathogen has been going on for many years now.Despite the effort, a large number of people still face the problem when it comes to wound care. A number of people have named lack of integrative perspective in research methodology as a lively issue facing wound care centers (Singhal, Reis, and Kerstein, 2001). Researchers do not view treatment of wounds holistically but have focused on efficacy and safety of specific therapies. The Methodist Hospitals Wound Care Center objectives are to continue with single treatment investigation in addition to pursuing an integrated approach to the mechanisms of wound healing.Integrated approach deals with the physiological activities that make a wound heal or not heal based on the fundamental activities. Study design This ingest design is pertinent to an evaluation of the wound care center and the subsequent hospital visits from patients subsequent to expel. The study design for this research is quantitative and the population will be those patients who required treatment at the Wound Center within the last 24 months. The study will use dat a from Method admissions data base to calculate the number of patients. The system will also track the number of patients returned to the center.Quantitative designs require a prearranged selection of variables. Quantitative designs enlighten the result of an experiment, a correlation testing, and often involve the acceptance or the failure to rejection the null hypothesis (Sproull, 2004) using statistical formulas and hypothesis testing with a significant randomly selected sample that represents the population (Creswell, 2004). judge Patients who are currently admitted in the wound care center and scheduled for discharge within the adjoining 30 geezerhood will be the population for this study. The population will be reviewed and counted from the Methods computer system.We will aggregate the data of all patients admitted and discharged from the last 24 months. The selection process can be descri butt as systematic take in. The specificity of the items in the database is contro lled by change. The series of items is compiled from the medical demonstrate number and is tracked over the last 24 months. The advantage of systematic sampling is that, unlike dewy-eyed random sampling, a designated number does not need to be assigned to every item. Most patients have been discharged from the program because the wounds have healed or they have transferred to other wound care facilities. recruitment of Participants. This evaluation will not require an excessive amount of contact with participants. There will be no questions or surveys provided to the participants. An option for this evaluation is to review the data in Method and analyze the discharge and monitoring of each wound care patient. MethoD is the computer admitting database which reports on all admitted patients to any program within the institution. Methods The research study objectives is to identify chronic wound services that need most support, to review the number of referrals and to determine the f avorable ways of treating, preventing and controlling chronic wounds.The study uses quantitative data from The Methodist Hospitals Wound Care Center computer designates. The study will use a systematic sampling of all the patients that have been treated for wound in the last 24 months. The study will record all the patients who have visited the hospital with wounds, it will determine their age, sex and the type of wound they were treated on. The study will also record how many times the patient has been treated and when the wound healed and if it did not heal the preventive advice given to the patient. The methods of data collection will be observation and investigations of medical records.The prearranged selection of variables includes age, sex, type of the wound and the duration it takes for the wound to heal. The correlation testing will be used to find out if there is a relationship between persons age and time the wound takes to heal or the type of the wound and the sex of a p erson. The study will apply statistical stupefy of wound healing rates because it predicts the actual healing of the wound. The statistical model does not impose a ameliorate methodological structure on the healing structure such as time but monitors the bring forward and actual behavior of the wound (Kumar, 2007).Data Analysis The results obtained from the centers medical records and analyzed by Methods computer system showed that the center had received quite a number of wounded patients. The computer computer software showed that 3-4 people out of a hundred people who visited the hospital were wounded. An estimate of 20-30% of the hospital beds were occupied by patients with wounds a big percentage being patients whom had acquired wounds during hospitalization. Pressure ulcers obtained during the period of medication is the major cause of chronic wound affecting an estimate of five inpatients.The results also showed that 5% of patients died after contracting surgical wound in fection during the period. The result statistics indicated through tables and graphs displace using method computer programs showed that chronic wound were caused by a number of factors such as immobility which usually affected patients on hospital bed causing bed sores and pressure ulcers. The other factors included diabetes, trauma, poor circulation and vascular disease (Stillman, 2010). Diabetes was the major cause of developing a chronic would as statistics showed as 20-50% of people with diabetes had the risk of contracting .Wounds can also be caused by other causes namely unhealthy nutrition, ill-fitting shoes, hygiene and lack of exercises. A big number of people obtained wounds after falling. The research study used a new statistical model that combines two the wounds size of it wand the time of closure. This was because it was not easy to determine the actual time that most patients would heal after they were released from the hospital. Methodist Wound Care Center just l ike other hospital and clinical centers released their patients after their wounds closed after giving them advice on proper preventive measures. The model analyzed the wound size against time.A graph drawn should exhibit negative correlation, that is, as time goes the size of the wound reduces in order to indicate healing. Implications Meta-analytic review of wound healing processes showed that the duration a wound took to heal depended on the type of treatment given and the size of the wound. A large number of wounds do not heal completely but only undergo a process called closure. It is thence not easy to calculate the correlation between the size of the wound and the duration it takes to heal completely. The statistical approach therefore calculated the time of closure as the healing of the wound.Studies have shown that there are four major stages of healing. A normal would heal even before stage IV but a chronic wound that progresses to stage IV may have serious implication th at may lead to amputation (Columbia University Medical Center, 2007). Stage IV is usual the wound closure as it involves formation of a new skin and scarring but it does not mean the wound is completely healed. The data analyzed showed there was a negative correlation between the time of closure and the size of the wound. The size of the wound decrease as time the patient undertook treatment increased.This was a measure that healing process was taking place. temporary hookup 45% of the patients admitted in the hospital for the given period showed a healing trend, some patients wounds did not heal regardless of the time frame. In fact some small wounds grew in size as time progressed. The study results did not indicate a linear relationship since some wounds grew in size as time progressed while others became smaller as time increased. The study results showed a non-exponential Gompertz-type model that shows specific differences and variations in individual wound behavior.Monitorin g The modified Gompertz-type model was the best for monitoring and evaluating the healing process of the wound as it applied to all types of wound (both the ones that healed and the ones that did not heal). The model has advantage over other models as it could predict the rate of healing based on the treatment and semblance of wound type. Healing involves tissue healing and wound closure. The study model monitored all the patients that had visited the hospital in the last 30 geezerhood to determine which stage of healing process they were in.Generally the healing process involved four phases namely inflammatory phase, proliferative phase, remodeling phase and epithelialization(Hess, 2005). All the wounded patients for the last 30 days were monitored and the phase they were in recorded. The wounded patients that had already visited the hospital in last 24 months were expected to be at various phases depending on the size and type of the wound. A table was thereafter recorded and gr aphs drawn to analyze the data in order to gain conclusive results of the study.A normal wound requires 3-4 days to be at the epithelialization phase where another layer of skin form leading to scarring (Sussman and Bates-Jensen, 2007). Some wounds take more than that depending on the size of the wound. The research study was given 30 days period in which to monitor the phases of patients wound in order to get conclusive results. A table was set up for all the wounded patients, the time they were admitted and the time they underwent all the four phases. At the end of the one month period a time table was prepared that showed the time period and the number of patients at a particular phase.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Baz Luhrmann’s appropriation “Romeo and Juliet†Essay
Baz Luhrmanns film, Romeo and Juliet, is really successful as an appropriation of the original play by Shakespe ar. Transforming the pre-16th atomic number 6 play into a coeval popular culture film was done creatively by retention the same values and language, but changing the context. This is illustrated by the use of anachronisms. For instance, daggers and swords are re located by guns as headspring as cars stand in for horses. The disputes between members of the two families (the Capulets and the Montagues) evoke associations with multi-ethnic plurality warfare. Their feud reflects the doings of mafia families. Using these modernising ele workforcets, he achieves an appeal to the contemporary teenage audience and the changes in the film make up a more comprehensible meaning to the audience because mass can relate to it better and this is why the film is so engaging.The film is set in a modern day city where craze occurs regularly. In the opening scene, a television scree n is in view and a news reporter is talking. This immediately allows commonwealth to realise the time period which the film is set in. Then at that place is a sequence of scenes which includes shots of scenery, people fighting, newspaper articles and loud string music is played in the background. There is a lot of editing and cutting in this sequence which makes it move very fast. The next scene is where the Montague gang is at the petrol station. Loud upbeat music is played in the background. The loud music and burnished coloured costumes represent the life of this city. The use of guns and convertible cars contribute to the contemporary atmosphere. The film techniques include victimization a handheld camera which creates a realistic effect.This is used in the sequence of different shots where there is fire and helicopters and guns. The reason why it is so realistic is because the quality of the shot and the way it is presented make it be like something that would be seen on th e news. But the words that appear between the shots, for example, In fair Verona and a pair of star-crossd lovers take their life is taken from the play so it is Shakespearean language. The text is placed with contemporary visual graphics, yet they do non clash together. The effect of this is that people do non take their attention away when they are presented with language that they may not completely catch. Instead, they can impute the text and the sequence together.Also, the characterisation used in the film is done well to add to the contemporary atmosphere. For example, the Montague gang is not presented as well-be constituted servants. Instead, they are loud, extrovert, and outrageous. Paris is bachelor of the year instead of macrocosm a kinsman of a prince type figure. No one in the film is presented as a precedent of a perfect citizen. The Capulet gang wears Hawaiian shirts, one even unbuttoned to reveal their bare chest. They have more rebellious styles of hair pink, shaved and bleached. Luhrmann uses the images of the families to make one appear submissive and docile opus the other is unscrupulous and aggressive. The Capulets have quite clearly been portrayed as the baddies of the story. The reason why Luhrmann have done this is to portray the typical villain occasion, which is given to the Capulet gang. In Shakespeares time, homosexual men were not accepted in the society and different ethnic groups did not mix together.In the film, Mercutio is a homosexual and as well black, and in todays society the different sexuality and race are accepted. Even the master of the household, Mr. Capulet, is not perceived as an archetypal wealthy and noble character. The priest is also not a typical Christian and he would have been a controversial character if he was presented during Shakespeares time. Also, Baz Luhrmann has chosen two beautiful, blonde hair and blue eyed actors to play the part of Romeo and Juliet. This makes their role idealistic. All of the characters in the film are not refined, as they would have been in the play. This is a reflection of todays culture and the audience can relate to the film better. And because of this, the dialogue impart not affect the audience too much and they would still be able to follow along with the storyline.Although the characterisation of the film is quite different from the characterisation of the play, Baz Luhrmann has kept the original values and issues and has presented them well in the film. The issue of peace and order is presented with the police captain talking to the Capulets and the Montagues in a conference room. erstwhile again, Luhrmann has used elements of todays culture in the film to replace the existing culture in the play. The police are used to deal with justice and punishment instead of the prince. The characters godliness is very important in the film and the crucifix is asymbol that is used. Romeo and Juliet get married in the church where they are accompanie d by the priest and a chorus. The large statue that reoccurs in many scenes is a religious figure and inside the building, where Juliet lays on her deathbed, is filled with crosses and candles. All of these elements make up a very observable fact that religion is, to a great extent, acknowledged in the film. Luhrmann has made the values and issues embossed in the play more distinctive in the film by using these modernized elements.A change in the context of the play also add to the modern atmosphere. A creative recitation of the original text is used, when Luhrmann turns the Queen Mab speech, which Romeo gets from Mercutio onwards they go to the Capulets party, into an Ecstasy pill. Furthermore he leaves a few text-passages out by presenting it visually. In a few cases he even changes Shakespeares plot. This becomes overt when Juliet awakes before Romeo has died. This differs from Shakespeares original text. With the use of special film-techniques, Luhrmann achieves a dramatisat ion of the scene. In the scene when Juliet awakes before Romeo has drank the poison, the change of the plotline results to a more astonished reaction from the audience, as they would be expecting the clichd ending, which is the one in the original play.Baz Luhrmanns film is very successful as an appropriation of the original play not only because of his creative ways in modernizing the play, but because the film itself can make one understand the extremeness of the situation in the storyline. That is, in the original play, horses and swords were used in the battles and when people read the play, they may not realise how severe and dangerous the circumstances are because there are too many diachronic references to swords and horses that it has lost its effectiveness. But in the film, Luhrmann has used fire, guns, cars, and explosions to emphasise the seriousness of the situation. People are more well-known(prenominal) with this sort of violence because it is seen in the media and t herefore it will appear more realistic to them. And the sentiment that people may obtain will be more practical and dynamic. This is why the film is so successful, it compels people to understand the original play a lot better.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Meeting the psychological needs of teaching staff Essay
Meeting the psychological needs of teaching staff - canvass ExampleIn April 2000, Pamela Relf, a teacher with over 36 years experience, took her life after(prenominal) an Ofsted inspector criticised her teaching at Middlefield Primary School in Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire. For a teacher of her experience to be criticised like this, was more than a rebuke. Pamela, the schools senior most teachers left behind a note echoing the sentiments of many teachers, saying I am now finding the form of my business too much. The pace of work and the long days are more than I can do. Similarly, trinity other teachers have also been linked to stress, bullying and Ofsted inspections. They are Janet Watson (33) of Northwick, Cheshire, Jenny Knibb (47) of Exeter, and James Patton (29) of Birmingham. Though the meter of casualties are unknown and definitely much more, the above cases alone characterise the heat teachers undergo in the face of extend stress and bullying. Though these teachers took t heir lives because of the workload and pressure to perform, it is argued that their suicide was because of mental health problem. provided this can also come about due to the result of psychiatric injury caused by prolonged negative stress. Psychiatric injury is not the same as mental illness (Tim Field, 2006). The cases of stress and falsify are numerous and would go beyond many, many pages. In order to understand the impact of stress and strain on teachers, the above cases were quoted. To overcome the negative thoughts of leaving the profession, teachers had to be offered perks and cordial work surround for retention.
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